Mark Engelbert

Designation: Senior Evaluation Specialist & Leader, Development Evidence Portal
Mark manages 3ie’s Development Evidence Portal and supports the production of systematic reviews and evidence gap maps in a variety of topics, with emphasis on agriculture and immunisation.

Blogs by author

Final update to living food systems E&GM: New studies address gender-transformative interventions and food loss outcomes

In our eighth and final scheduled update to 3ie’s living food systems evidence and gap map (E&GM), we add 307 new impact evaluations and eight new systematic reviews, bringing the total number of studies in the map to 3,218.

3ie's living Food Systems Evidence and Gap Map: Now expanded with social assistance and social insurance interventions

Our latest update of the living food systems evidence and gap map (E&GM) focuses on the addition of multiple new social assistance and social insurance intervention categories that we added to the map for the first time.

Unveiling trends in impact evaluations across Sub-Saharan Africa

With 4262 studies, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounts for the largest number of impact evaluations in the Development Evidence Portal (DEP). The second blog in our 'state of the evidence' series that previously featured Latin America and the Caribbean unpacks the evidence coming from this part of the African continent. The DEP – which remains a global public good – allows us to analyze which countries, interventions and outcomes are the most researched, by whom and in what way.

3ie's living Food Systems Evidence and Gap Map: Slow progress on evidence gaps, but little high-quality synthesis

In our most recent update to our living Evidence and Gap Map (E&GM) on Food Systems, we see the continuation of several trends: more evaluations of national and transnational programs; fewer evaluations of supplementation and fortification interventions; a shift toward quasi-experimental research; and a dearth of high-quality systematic reviews.

Unveiling trends in impact evaluations across Latin America and the Caribbean

3ie’s Development Evidence Portal (DEP) team is writing a series of blogs designed to provide insights and explore regional trends from the data housed within the world’s largest repository for rigorous international development evaluations. Our first destination in this series is Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a region ranking third in terms of the number of impact evaluations (IEs) with 1910. Here we provide a brief overview of the region, and we encourage interested users to utilize the DEP to do your own explorations.