2020 Hindsight: A year of what the evidence has taught us

A little less than a year ago, at the start of what has become an infamous year, we launched a yearlong social media campaign called ‘2020 Hindsight: What Works in Development.’

Shifting forest management to local control may reduce deforestation, without payments to anyone

The timeframes over which the studies analyzed data also varied widely. Most were evaluated a few years after implementation, while the 1931 establishment of Van Panchayats (Village Forest Councils) in India was evaluated with data from 1931 through 2001.

Paying people to protect the trees on their land may reduce deforestation

It is no surprise that trees, which breathe in carbon dioxide, are key to the fight against climate change. Keeping existing forests intact is one pillar in the ongoing efforts to slow the planet's warming. By one estimate, tropical deforestation is responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions each year than the entire European Union.

Text message reminders help people make healthy choices

The research on the topic has included a wide range of healthy behaviors: getting immunizations, attending medical appointments, taking medications for chronic illnesses like AIDS, quitting smoking, exercising, practicing safe sex, and drinking less alcohol.

In the right circumstances, market support interventions may yield big dividends for food security

This post looks at interventions that work differently, intervening in the market systems behind the food supply. The evidence on their effectiveness is exploratory and preliminary, which is why we are working on an evidence gap map to show what evidence exists and where more studies are needed.

In humanitarian emergencies, cash-based social assistance is cheaper than food distribution, and it works just as well

Cash-based approaches to social protection programs are getting a lot of attention during the COVID crisis. By one count, cash transfers are the most common type of government assistance response to the pandemic.

Using social media for community health outreach during the crisis: What evidence is available?

At 3ie, we advocate for the use of the most rigorous evidence possible – but when circumstances are unprecedented, such evidence can be hard to find. In recent blog posts, we've looked at high-quality research on issues that are on many minds now relating to hand washing and vaccination campaigns.

Building roads where few exist can pay big dividends by raising people's incomes

Roads are one of the most basic forms of infrastructure. More than half of all official development assistance for economic infrastructure between 2005 and 2013 – at least $60 billion worldwide – went to road projects. Is all that investment worthwhile?

Which ways to improve maternal and newborn health are cost effective?

More than one third of countries in the world – including nearly all of Sub-Saharan Africa – will fail to meet the Sustainable Development Goals’ benchmarks for maternal and newborn health if current trends continue, according to Duke University researchers.

How to improve the performance of community health workers

In many interventions to improve health outcomes, community health workers (CHWs) play a pivotal role. We've recently written about two such types of interventions: efforts to improve sanitation practices and campaigns to increase vaccination rates