Making evidence accessible


As part of our mandate as a knowledge producer and translator for our main audiences, we maintain a range of free online publication series: briefs, impact evaluation reports, systematic review technical and summary reports, replication papers, evidence gap map reports, scoping, and working papers.

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Latest publications

Effectiveness of agricultural certification schemes for improving socio-economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries

Systematic review summary 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This report summarises a systematic review by Oya and colleagues that assesses the impact of agriculture certification schemes on improving socio-economic conditions for workers and farmers in low- and middle-income countries.

Quality evidence for policymaking: I’ll believe it when I see the replication

Replication paper 3ie 2014  
This paper by Annette N Brown, Drew B Cameron and Benjamin DK Wood review current literature and trends in social science research to emphasise the importance of replication for evidence-based policymaking in international development.

What factors impact the effectiveness of emergency WASH interventions?

Systematic review Brief 3ie PDF icon 2016  
This brief is based on a systematic review that synthesised evidence on WASH interventions implemented in the first 12 months of an emergency response.

Assessing the evidence base on science, technology, innovation and partnerships for accelerating development outcomes in low- and middle-income countries

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This scoping paper summarises a range of activities 3ie undertook to assess stakeholder demands and priorities for generating new impact evaluation evidence on how science, technology, innovation and partnerships accelerate development outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.

TV, female empowerment and demographic change in rural India

Replication paper 3ie 2014  

In this paper, Vegard Iversen and Richard Palmer-Jones re-examine the possible causal benefits of increased cable television access on women’s status.

Slum upgrading strategies and their effects on health and socio-economic outcomes

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2013  

This systematic review by Turley and colleagues explores the effects of slum upgrading strategies that involve improving the physical environment and infrastructure on the health, quality of life a

Community-based rehabilitation for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2015  

This systematic review examines the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) for people living with physical and mental disabilities in low- and middle-income co

Reanalysis of health and educational impacts of a school-based deworming program in western Kenya Part 1 and 2: pure replication and alternative analyses

Replication paper 3ie 2014  

3ie funded a two-part replication study of Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer’s well-known impact evaluation of a school-based deworming programme in Kenya.

The effects of school-based decision making on educational outcomes in low and middle income contexts

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2015  

This systematic review by Carr-Hill and colleagues reviews the available evidence on the impact of school-based decision-making on educational outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.

Integrating HIV services with other health services to improve care, retention and adherence

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2017  

This scoping paper by Heard and colleagues summaries a range of activities 3ie undertook to assess stakeholder demands and priorities for generating new impact evaluation evidence on the effectiven