Margaret Kaseje

Designation: Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development
Margaret Kaseje, a professor of health policy and planning and international health, has contributed to community health, health policy, and public health research. She has authored articles emphasising community-based health care, adolescent, maternal and child health, and health system strengthening. In collaboration with the Kenya Ministry of Health and its partners, Professor Kaseje has been instrumental in the development of guidelines, manuals, and training materials for health professionals. Her contributions have played a role in enhancing health services and promoting the adoption of evidence-based practices across sub-Saharan Africa.

Blogs by author

Teaching critical thinking about health: impacts and implications

Claims about what might improve or harm our health are everywhere. Some of these claims are reliable, but many are not. People often don’t know how to tell the difference. Making decisions based on unreliable claims wastes resources and can result in unnecessary suffering. This problem was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which was accompanied by an “infodemic”— an overload of information, including false or misleading information.