This brief is based on the findings of an impact evaluation that examines whether HIV self-tests increase HIV testing among female sex workers in towns. The study finds that peer educators were very successful at encouraging female sex workers to test. Nearly 90 of the control group, who to standard facility-based testing, received a test. HIV self-tests, , did not make a difference to HIV testing rates.
This brief disscusses the findings of an impact evaluation of KhetScore, an innovative tool that employs digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for small and marginal farmers in the state of Odisha, India.
This brief discusses the findings of an impact evaluation of a picture-based crop insurance scheme that uses smartphone camera data for claims verification in India.
The authors of this brief examine the effectiveness of emergency liquidity support for improving lending and performance-related outcomes for banks under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
This brief summarizes findings from three impact evaluations that assess whether the Philippine Supreme Court-initiated reforms in technology and case management practices improve court efficiency and reduce congestion and delays.
This brief summarizes lessons from an impact evaluation that measures the effectiveness of the Philippine government’s Sustainable Livelihood Program’s Microenterprise Development assistance through the Seed Capital Fund modality on labor outcomes, income, expenditure, savings and capital investment.