Andrea Floridi

Email: afloridi(at)3ieimpact(dot)org

Evaluation Specialist

Andrea Floridi

Andrea supports the production of systematic reviews and evidence gap maps and he contributes to the quality assurance of the Development Evidence Portal. Andrea has more than ten years of experience in evaluation of development projects, evidence synthesis, and research in informal economy.

Before joining 3ie he was working as Post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and teaching in the International Training Center of the ILO (ITC-ILO). Furter, he worked as consultant in the evaluation of International cooperation projects for various International organizations such as European Union, African Development Bank, and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Andrea holds a PhD in Development Economics from the International Institute of Social Studies at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, where he previously obtained his MA degree in development economics. Prior he attained a BA in Development Economics and a MA in Development studies from La Sapienza University of Rome.