At a glance

Evidence that improves lives

As an organization, we are committed to the values of accountability and transparency. We also believe in constantly reflecting and reviewing the benchmarks of our success. On this page is a snapshot of 3ie’s performance on several key parameters that demonstrate the scale of our work, its reach and impact.

If you are looking for more information about our approach, mission and values, and strategy, visit the About page.

As of 2020, we no longer produce annual reports. You can find past versions on our Institutional policies and reports page.



Knowledge products, research and policy publications 


Grants given to researchers and institutions

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Years of experience


Studies in the Development Evidence Portal


Summaries of impact of our research evidence

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Total Studies
Click on the bubble to view the year-wise comparison
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Studies by sector and year

Continuing to expand and diversify

Since our inception, we have published nearly 400 studies across more than 10 sectors. Click through this graphic to get an overview of the impact evaluations, systematic reviews and evidence gap maps we have either supported or produced over the last few years.  View our services to know how we can tailor solutions to address your development question.

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Research across regions

Reaching all corners

3ie’s research provides a deep understanding of the effectiveness of key development interventions carried out by governments, NGOs, philanthropies and civil society organizations. Explore this graphic to understand the geographies where we have supported or produced evidence.

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    Click on the region to see the country-wise distribution
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    Click on the region to see staff distribution and profiles
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    Global presence

    Accessible and ready to support anywhere

    Based across geographies and time zones, our staff and fellows provide expertise across a wide range of international development issues, supporting our partners and stakeholders in governments and leading donor agencies to address key policy and program questions.

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    Key supporters

    Helping us help others

    As a specialist organization focused on impact evaluation, evidence synthesis, evidence mapping and evidence use, 3ie has the generous support of leading donors who share our deep commitment to finding answers to what works, for whom, why, how and at what cost. See the complete list of those who invest in our work to promote evidence-informed decision-making. Read how you can support us.

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    Click on the numbers to read about the impact in specific countries and sectors
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    Impact of our evidence

    Robust and effective monitoring of evidence use

    Our evidence is used in multiple ways to inform development programming. The impact stories highlight verified instances where 3ie's research has influenced program or policy decisions. See all summaries that relate to the different types of evidence use and impact.

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