Sharing insights from NRLM at the Indian Agriculture Ministry’s Post Budget Webinar series

On 1 March, 3ie’s Dr Anjini Kochar and Neelakshi Mann participated in a Post Budget Webinar event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and the Ministry of Rural Development, India. The discussion focused on ensuring an inclusive and sustainable rural development strategy. Drawing on 3ie's research for Indian Ministry of Rural Development, Dr Kochar spoke about the importance of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission for rural prosperity and resilience in the country. The panel brought together expert stakeholders from the public and private sector, academia, industry and practitioners working on implementation strategies across sectors.

Watch the recording

New resource: 3ie's inventory of remote-sensing indicators

Remote sensing offers significant potential for evidence generation, but many practitioners lack the technical expertise to leverage these tools effectively. To help bridge this gap, 3ie, as part of the Geo4Dev Initiative, has launched the ‘Remotely Sensed Indicators for Development’—a user-friendly resource to help integrate remotely-sensed data into projects.

With rapid advancements in space technology, cloud computing, and an ever-growing network of satellites, the Earth observation industry is evolving quickly. Yet, a gap remains between these cutting-edge tools and the needs of researchers, evaluators, and policymakers. This new platform provides practical guidance and tailored resources to make remote sensing accessible and actionable for those driving development initiatives. We wrote an explainer blog to help users understand what to expect in this accessible inventory and to share guidance on using remote sensing data and indices across development sectors.

Read blog | Explore the resource

What happens when women come together to lead businesses in rural India?

Women-led businesses can shape both women’s empowerment and the rural economy. 3ie’s Swashakt program, completed last year, supported women’s empowerment collectives (WECs) spanning farm and non-farm sectors in 10 Indian states with the goal of fostering self-sustaining, women-led enterprises that strengthen their economic empowerment and agency. In this blog, we summarize learning from four process evaluations and two mixed-methods impact evaluations to help understand what worked, what did not, and what could be done for greater effectiveness.

While we find that challenges remain, especially around sustainability, training, and cultural barriers, the Swashakt projects showed promising results in enhancing both economic opportunities and social empowerment for rural women. The findings reveal that through targeted policy interventions, flexible training programs, and a focus on sustainable, value-added enterprises, women-led collectives can serve as platforms to contribute significantly to women’s empowerment and foster gender equality in India.

Read blog

Call for articles | Journal of Development Effectiveness

3ie’s Journal of Development Effectiveness invites scholarly works on the generation and use of evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of programs and policies that are meant to improve the lives of people in low- and middle-income countries. This includes, among other contributions, impact evaluations, systematic reviews, evidence gap maps and methodological papers that address attribution through a variety of techniques, including experimental, quasi-experimental and mixed-method approaches. Papers that help users of evidence learn from null results are also welcome. We also encourage papers that help further the understanding of what it takes to ensure the use of evidence to inform decision-making.

To submit an article to the journal, please read the guidance here.

Read the latest issue here.


Impact evaluation report | The effects of providing paid formal work and training on women’s empowerment: Evidence from weavers’ collectives in India
Impact evaluation report | Picture-based crop insurance: A randomized controlled trial evaluating the impacts of using smartphone camera data for claims verification in India
Impact evaluation brief | Picture-based crop insurance: Using smartphone camera data for claims verification in India
Impact evaluation report | KhetScore: Impacts of using digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for marginal farmers in Odisha


Upcoming events

2025 SEforALL Global Forum | 13 March 2025 | 12:00 PM-1:00 PMAT | Barbados
The 2025 SEforALL Global Forum marks the sixth convening and the first to take place in Latin America and the Caribbean, co-hosted by the Government of Barbados.

On Day 3, 3ie will present at the session ‘Leveraging evidence to inform Sustainable Energy Policy, Planning & Investments’. We will launch the Evidence Gap Map on Sustainable Energy – which 3ie has developed in partnership with SEforALL. Built around the pillars of SDG7, the EGM on Sustainable Energy is a global public good that houses rigorous, evaluative, research and impact assessment evidence from the Global South, and related learnings and recommendations. 


  • Cassady Walters, Managing Director for Strategy and Results on the Power & Climate team, The Rockefeller Foundation (TBC)
  • Constanza Gonzalez Parrao, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
  • Cem Yavuz, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
  • Quinn Reifmesser, Head, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, SEforALL (Moderator)

Read the full program

Evidence Dialogues: Accelerating Progress on the SDGs—Insights from the Development Evidence Portal | 18 March | 2:00-3:30 PM GMT



EvidenceDialgoue webinar

With just five years left until 2030, progress on the SDGs is lagging, making high-quality, accessible evidence critical for informed decision-making. 3ie’s Development Evidence Portal (DEP)—with 19,000+ studies—is a continuously updated repository of impact evaluations and systematic reviews that help identify effective policies in low- and middle-income countries. At this 3ie Evidence Dialogues webinar, we will present key findings from a recent SDG evidence analysis by 3ie and DEval, followed by a panel discussion featuring experts from global agencies. The session will explore how global public goods like the DEP can better support policymakers and practitioners in leveraging evidence for sustainable development.


  • Fréjus Thoto, Executive Director, African Center for Equitable Development (ACED)
  • Kerry Albright, Director of Evaluation, UNICEF, Co-Chair SDG Synthesis Coalition
  • Birte Snilstveit, Director – Synthesis and Reviews and Head of London Office, 3ie
  • Martin Bruder, Head of Department Civil Society, Human Rights, DEval
  • Mark Engelbert, Senior Evaluation Specialist & Leader, DEP, 3ie


ESA 2025 African meeting: advancing experimental economics in Africa | 25-27 June | Nairobi
The Economic Science Association (ESA) is organizing its 2025 African Meeting from 25-27 June in Nairobi, Kenya. Hosted by Busara, the conference will feature two full days of sessions on June 26 and 27, with a welcome reception on the evening of 25 June. The event aims to bring together scholars and practitioners to discuss advancements in experimental economics.

For registration details and more information, please click here.


Past events

Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) Research Symposium - Open Day | 4 March 2025 | 11:15 - 12:30 GMT 
The GCBC hosted a research symposium (4-6 March 2025), bringing together global organizations and experts to explore nature-based climate solutions and livelihoods. 3ie’s Senior Evaluation Specialist joined the panel on ‘Contributing to global goals - Exploring the research behind national and global frameworks and targets’. Speakers included Wendy Toro, Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE), Constanza Gonzalez Parrao, 3ie, Rithiny Teng, World Conservation Society, Cambodia and Aster Gebrekirstos, World Agroforestery Center (ICRAF).  

Read more

IDEAS 2025 conference: multi-dimensional evaluation for influence and transformation | 4-6 March, Rome

IDEAS 2025 conference
On 4 March, Senior Research Associate Fiona Kastel and Research Associate Sanchi Lokhande led a workshop titled ‘AI for Transformation Evaluation: Practical Guide on Applications of AI in International Development’. On 5 March, Lead Evaluation Specialist Anca Dumitrescu chaired the panel ‘Parliamentarian Perspectives: What Are the Needs and Why Does It Matter?’ alongside global parliamentary leaders. In the closing plenary session, 3ie’s Executive Director, Marie Gaarder, addressed the fundamental question of how evaluation and evidence fit in the rapidly changing funding and political environment.  

For more information on the conference and program details, please visit the conference website here.



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Senior Research Fellow

Senior Research Fellow3ie’s Senior Research Fellows Program includes experts from various sectors – including development, evaluation, policy as well as academia. This month, we feature Luis Herskovic, whose research and teaching interests include spatial economics, education, data science, machine learning and its applications to public policy. He is especially interested in the use of machine learning methods to understand the impacts of transportation and education policies on students’ choices. Luis has been a consultant for, among others, the World Bank, ISDC, and the PAL Network. Read more

Since 2020, 3ie's Fellowship Program has contributed to achieving our mission by tapping into diverse expertise and experience across the world.