Systematic review on self-help groups informs the Gates Foundation’s strategy on gender equality The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s gender equality strategy focuses on transforming the way poor women and girls participate in the economy. They have developed an empowerment model to guide their investments on women and girls’ empowerment, as well as implementation of strategic goals, and to measure progress. It defines agency, resources and institutional structures as key elements. Findings from the 3ie-funded review have been cited as critical elements in improving women’s agency, and for transforming power relations through collective action. |
New 3ie publications |
Impact evaluation reports: Hotspot interventions at scale: the effects of policing and city services on crime in Bogotá, Colombia; Impacts of Breakthrough’s school-based gender attitude change programme in Haryana, India; Impact of voice reminders to reinforce harvest aggregation services training for farmers in Mali; and Impacts of removing user fees for maternal health services on universal health coverage in Kenya Impact evaluation briefs: Capacity building of smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya through extension services and market linkages,and Improving irrigation access in Madagascar Replication papers: Mobile money and its impact on improving living conditions in Niger: a replication study; Impact of unconditional cash transfers: a replication study of the short-term effects in Kenya; and Cash and change: a replication study of a cash transfer experiment in Malawi |
3ie-funded research in peer-reviewed publications |
Please click here to access the list of all 3ie-funded studies and 3ie-produced publications appearing in peer-reviewed publications. |
3ie blogs |
We wrapped up our 10th anniversary celebrations with a two-part blog from our founding and current executive directors. Their reflections capture 3ie's journey since 2008:
Where are the evidence gaps in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector? Hannah Chirgwin presents findings from the updated 3ie WASH evidence gap map. She highlights the growing body of evidence that exists in the sector, how the patterns in research have shifted over the last ten years, and where we still need new primary impact evaluations and synthesis work. Field notes on latrine use promotion in Odisha, India Neeta Goel and Radhika Menon joined programme implementers from Emory University and Gram Vikas for a learning exchange to understand what works and what does not in sanitation behaviour change programmes. They outline key lessons that can inform improvements in sanitation policy. |
Upcoming events |
Residential workshop on advances in social and behaviour science research, Gurugram, India, 4-8 March In collaboration with other organisations, Sehgal Foundation is organising a five-day residential workshop on conducting and publishing empirical social and behavioural science research. The event is for social scientists, development researchers, faculty, research scholars and students from behaviour science disciplines. Neeta Goel and Francis Rathinam will facilitate a session on conducting evaluation research with secondary data. Community matters: heterogeneous impacts of a sanitation intervention, London, UK, 6 March Britta Augsburg (Institute of Fiscal Studies) will discuss the results of a study on the effectiveness of a community-level information intervention aimed at reducing open defecation and increasing sanitation investments in Nigeria. Register here. 9th African Evaluation Association Conference, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 11-15 March 3ie staff will conduct a panel session on building evidence on agricultural innovations, as well as present initial findings from 3ie’s scoping study on evaluation capacity and opportunities in West Africa. We will also be co-hosting workshops on evidence use, on improving capacity development approaches and using adult learning principles in capacity development. We hope to see you there. Click here to register and sign up for workshops. Visit the official webpage for more information. |
Announcement |
Save the date!
3ie videos |
3ie evidence impact stories |
Promoting evidence-informed decision-making in Uganda
3ie @ recent events |
7th Uganda Evaluation Week, Kampala, 11-15 February
3ie staff organised panel discussions on evaluating community engagement approaches on governance and livelihoods; emerging results from an evaluation of the youth livelihoods programme; capacity development for strengthening use of evidence in the Ugandan Government; and evaluating the impact of interventions targeted at children. 3ie also organised a well-attended workshop on promoting evidence use through stakeholder engagement and by producing effective policy briefs. Read highlights of the sessions here. |
Job opportunities at 3ie |
New funding |
Evaluation specialist or senior evaluation specialist, New Delhi |
Bursaries available for J-PAL-CLEAR measurement and survey design course |
3ieNews is a bi-monthly newsletter of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). We promote evidence-informed equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. We support the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence to inform decision-making and improve the lives of people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. We provide guidance and support to produce, synthesise and assure the quality of evidence of what works, for whom, how, why and at what cost.
On a space-available basis, we will post event or job announcements from member organisations. Please email them with a short blurb and any links to announcements@3ieimpact.org. We welcome comments or corrections to 3ienews@3ieimpact.org To subscribe to our newsletter, click here. If you no longer wish to receive it, please send us an email at 3ienews@3ieimpact.org with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line |