3ie receives US$ 4.5 million grant from MacKenzie Scott
Earlier this month, 3ie received a gift from MacKenzie Scott of US$4.5 million in unrestricted funds in organizational support. Ms Scott, in a medium post, announced her recent round of donations of more than $1 billion to 343 organizations that are “supporting the voices and opportunities of people from underserved communities.”
This is a significant contribution that will help us build a stronger 3ie and help us continue to fulfill our mission of providing important public evidence goods and improving lives through evidence-informed decision-making. We will work internally and with our partners to ensure we use these funds strategically and effectively.
Read the full announcement on our website. |
New projects and funding support
We’re entering the holiday season with more than a spring in our step – with several new partnerships and many more interesting projects to work on. As part of the second phase of our close collaboration with the Indian Ministry of Rural Development, our work on evaluating the country’s National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) began last month. With the objective of generating employment, the NRETP aims to enable women to build businesses that help them access finance, markets and networks. This evaluation and capacity-sharing program is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Read more about our work on gender and women’s empowerment.
FCDO recently commissioned 3ie to carry out synthesis work (evidence gap maps and rapid evidence assessment) on Freedom and Democracy and with DEval we will be developing an evidence gap map on the issues of sexual reproductive health rights. Additionally, we have received much-needed and timely support from the Norwegian Government, Norad, that will help us continue maintaining and improving our public evidence good, the Development Evidence Portal.
More information on these projects will be available soon. You can learn about our ongoing work on the website.
Climate change and resilience
 The recently-concluded COP27 once again underscored the importance of building climate resilience in communities and the continual need for evidence-informed decision-making that helps governments, businesses, civil society and academia work in tandem to combat and adapt to climate impacts. To help policymakers, researchers, and the development community, we are creating an evidence gap map that improves access to research on resilience to shocks and stressors-related interventions in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs). This evidence will help understand the most studied interventions across impact evaluations. A systematic review will also help identify those interventions that seem to work better to build resilience. The Resilience EGM, along with three other EGMs on nutrition, agriculture and water, sanitation and hygiene, is being led by 3ie with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS).
Read our latest blog and learn more about 3ie’s work related to mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Upcoming events
Breaking down obstacles to impact evaluations in humanitarian settings

Humanitarian settings have long been seen as a challenging context for implementing rigorous impact evaluations. The Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Cycle (HAEC) Associate Award addresses this challenge by working to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency food security activities by increasing the demand for impact evaluations and the supply of researchers. Ensuring effective emergency programming is vital to optimizing the use of often limited resources.
During this 3ie Evidence Dialogues, a panel consisting of operational and evaluation leaders representing USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), implementing partners, and research entities will discuss HAEC’s work, providing insight into how the findings can be used to inform policy and research decisions.
The event will open with a welcome address by USAID's new Chief Economist, Professor Dean Karlan, and will feature an expert panel including:
- Arif Rashid, USAID/BHA, Division Chief (Acting), Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Applied Learning (DMEAL) Division
- Gary Glass, Blumont, Director, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Suzanne Ammari, Save the Children/IDEAL, Activity Director (Acting)
- Aprille Knox, Senior Policy Manager, J-PAL Global
- Keith Ives, CEO, Causal Design
- Lloyd Owen Banwart, Senior Economist, TANGO International (Chair)
- Cem Yavuz, Research Associate, 3ie (Presenter)
- Christy Lazicky, Director of Impact Evaluation, Causal Design (Presenter)
This is a hybrid event, with an opportunity to join in person in Washington, DC or online on Zoom.
Register now
Impact-evaluation incubator
In partnership with 3ie, this upcoming three-day impact evaluation incubator organized by the Norwegian agency for development cooperation (NORAD)—aims to guide participants step by step through the process of designing impact evaluations of their organizations’ projects. The in-person incubator experience on 5-7 December will equip participants with best practices and ways to address practical challenges. For more information, please visit Norad’s website.
Join our growing and dynamic team by applying for one of these unique and impactful roles.
Call for nominations | Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Development Effectiveness |
We are looking for a new Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Development Effectiveness. Depending on interest and availability, we are willing to consider two individuals to share this role. Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by others. The deadline to send nominations is 30 January 2023. Read more about the role and the call for nominations.
We are also currently inviting papers for a special issue focusing on ‘Trends in Research Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethics for Development Effectiveness’. Read more about the criteria and submit your paper by 31 March 2023. |