Call for papers on costing: Journal of Development Effectiveness
We are inviting papers focused on costing for a special issue of The Journal of Development Effectiveness. We welcome submissions of scholarly works on the generation and use of evidence on costing, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefits. If you have a paper that fits our special issue criteria, please send it to us by 31 January 2022. |
Aayush Malik, Douglas Glandon, Jane Hammaker, Katherine Quant, Sayak Khatua
Remote sensing has the power to transform and complement traditional approaches to impact evaluation. But most organizations lack familiarity with the tools and techniques, face resource constraints as well as a lack of practical guidance for informing their work. This blog provides guidance on how to get started with remote sensing for those considering using satellite imagery to measure the impact(s) of development interventions.
Assessing the impact of policy and institutional reforms in international development
Carolyn Huang, Zeba Siddiqui, Douglas Glandon, Sayak Khatua, Aayush Malik
Despite widespread investment in policy and institutional reform (PIR) interventions, their impacts are not always measured or known. To improve the design, monitoring, and evaluation of such interventions, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and 3ie are conducting a scoping review that seeks to identify established methods for assessing attribution and plausible contribution of such intervention activities to outcomes. If you work in this area and have suggestions for studies, especially in grey literature, this is your chance to contribute directly to our research.
A classification of interventions and outcomes for international development evidence
Tomasz Kozakiewicz, Birte Snilstveit, Mark Engelbert
Our Development Evidence Portal (now updated with 10,000+ studies) has an advanced search option to help you find what you need. While this is a good start to filtering your results, we realized that a standardized vocabulary for classifying interventions and outcomes could make it even easier. Whether you are a researcher, a practitioner, or a policymaker, we think you might be interested in our latest innovation: An intervention-outcome taxonomy for international development. |
Check out our updated Food Systems and Nutrition evidence gap map
If you’re looking for the latest evidence or planning on investing in nutrition research, check out our recently updated evidence gap map on Food Systems and Nutrition. While the original map included studies from 2000 to 2020, this update includes studies published from May 2020 to July 2021. What’s more, this is a “living” evidence gap map – which means we will continue to screen and add high-quality evidence that can help you make informed decisions. Read all about it in our blog and visit the links below:
View interactive map | Read the update
Upcoming events
Past events
3ie at Livelihoods India Summit 2021
3ie and LEAD at Krea University led a track on Women-led Collective Enterprises at the virtual Livelihoods India Summit 2021 as part of which we hosted two panel discussions on ‘Building a solutions toolbox for women’s collective enterprises’ and ‘The importance of partnerships for women’s empowerment collectives’. In the first one, which began with a presentation of the theory of change for 3ie’s Swashakt program, panelists drew on their experiences in working with women’s collective enterprises while the second panel focused on the importance of leveraging partnerships and overcoming barriers to building strong partnerships for enhancing the success of women’s collective enterprises. In case you missed the sessions, the recordings are here and here.
More about the event >> |
International Day of Education – 3ie resources
 3ie has supported studies on a variety of education interventions aimed at improving outcomes related to student learning, teacher performance, and functional and effective education systems. We take this opportunity to share a few blogs that provide a snapshot of what some of the evidence from programs tells us about what works and what does not—and how evidence can inform decision-making.
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