This month we want to showcase our collaboration with USAID’s Bureau of Resilience and Food Security (RFS) to map the existing evidence and gaps in four technical areas: agriculture-led growth, resilience, nutrition-sensitive agriculture and water security, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Our recent blog talks about why you should explore (and use) these maps. Authors provide an overview of findings from each map and highlight the potential to use these maps to inform efforts to invest in critical development gaps.
Global evidence for improving resilience and food security
In partnership with Agrilinks, experts from 3ie, USAID, and MIT recapped the evidence from the maps on agriculture-led growth and nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Chris Hillburner, Division Chief, Analysis and Learning, USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, talked about how the maps build on efforts to use evidence to inform decision-making in the bureau. He said the maps allow RFS to take a consistent cross-bureau approach to understand their evidence base and where gaps remain. 3ie's Carolyn Huang, Charlotte Lane and Mark Engelbert shared findings from each of the maps, covering trends from over 3,000 studies and highlighted policy and research implications for the agriculture and nutrition-sensitive food systems sectors. Kristen Edwards from MIT's DeCoDe Lab shared lessons from using machine learning for these maps, and some implications for future work. A key takeaway was that machine learning was effective in reducing resources and time spent on title and abstract screening (a significant part of the EGM process) and has the potential to do more. More than 400 people joined the event, in case you missed it, watch the recording here. Learn more about our work on this project and the four EGMs here.
Agriculture led-growth EGM: View map | View report | View brief
Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture EGM: View map | View report | View brief
Presentation slides
In support of evidence-based healthcare
 This year, 3ie has joined JBI, Cochrane, Campbell Collaboration, GIN, the Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, the Centre for Evidence-based Health Care and NICE in their efforts to spotlight the need for better evidence to inform healthcare policy, practice and decision-making in order to improve health outcomes globally. As we approach World Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBHC) Day – 20 October – we remain committed to developing and strengthening the campaign, ‘Evidence and Global Health Equity’. With our unique expertise, knowledge and resources, we are supporting the call to take concrete steps towards equity-centred evidence-informed decision-making, drawing attention to the need to enhance collaboration, information sharing and networking to increase access to research evidence, and to move towards integrated systems that prioritize equity, inclusivity and multisectoral participation of all actors.
Learn how you can become an Evidence Ambassador as part of the campaign by successfully publishing a blog. Read more about the EBHC campaign.
New issue of the Journal of Development Effectiveness
We recently published this year’s second issue of the Journal of Development Effectiveness comprising six papers – two open access – and a book review. From articles discussing the evidence of impact of development interventions to case studies and more, the latest issue touches upon a range of themes, topics and countries.
This issue was the last one overseen by Emmanuel Jimenez before he handed over the editor-in-chief mantel to 3ie Executive Director Marie Gaarder and 3ie Senior Research Fellow Dr Sudhanshu (Ashu) Handa. Watch this space to hear from them about their vision for JDEFF soon.
To submit an article to the journal, please read the guidance here.
Visit Evidence Matters blog site to view all posts.

3ie will be participating at Evidence 2023, a three-day conference organized by the Africa Evidence Network (AEN) from 13-15 September in Entebbe, Uganda. The event will see participation from members of civil society, government, academia and international development organizations. The discussions will push forward the agenda of reducing poverty and inequality in Africa through the support of Evidence Informed Decision Making (EIDM).
Register Now | See the full program
Save the Date | Changing the rules of the game: An introduction to the PIR Methods Menu
7 September 2023 | 9 - 10:30am EDT

3ie and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) will co-host a webinar to introduce the new Policy and Institutional Reform (PIR) Methods Menu. This convenient web tool helps users select methods to assess and support policy and institutional reforms. The event will feature an interview-style panel discussion on approaches for PIR at each stage in the program cycle, as well as opportunities for participant feedback and questions.
Explore the tool | RSVP here |
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Senior Research Fellow
 Since 2020, 3ie's Fellowship Program has contributed to achieving our mission by tapping into diverse expertise and experience across the world. Our research fellows enhance the quality of 3ie's work and provide intellectual leadership and technical support to areas strategic for the organization.
The fellows are uniquely positioned to lead or support new and ongoing initiatives and programs. It provides an opportunity for experienced researchers to work with our global team on a range of new and ongoing projects in their area of expertise.
Dr Alison Evans, who has held senior positions at the World Bank, UK’s Independent Commission for Aid Impact, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and many others, is the most recent addition to our fellows program. Read more about Evans here.