Tari Turner

Senior Research Fellow

Tari Turner is a 3ie senior research fellow and is currently an associate professor (research) at Cochrane Australia, Monash University. Tari’s passion is supporting evidence-based decision-making to ensure the best possible outcomes, particularly for women and children in low resource settings. She enjoys designing, finding, synthesising and communicating research, and she loves seeing research actually make a difference.

Tari’s recent work has focused on living evidence synthesis methods, including living systematic reviews and living guidelines, and on how best to support and measure use of research by policymakers.

Tari is co-editor-in-chief of Health Research Policy and Systems, a BMC journal published in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), and a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group to the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research.

Tari previously worked at World Vision Australia where she led the Child Development and Program Effectiveness team.

The Research Fellows Program brings together experts from diverse backgrounds to provide intellectual leadership and technical support to strategic areas for 3ie. Our fellows work with our global team and are uniquely positioned to lead or support new and ongoing initiatives and programs in their areas of expertise.