Divya Pandey


Senior Evaluation Specialist

Divya is an Evaluation Specialist with 3ie's Evaluation Office in Delhi.

She is primarily responsible for providing technical and management leadership, and support for impact evaluations, synthesis, and other evidence programs.

Prior to joining 3ie, Divya worked as a Research Fellow at Inclusion Economics India Centre at IFMR. Her role involved research work, as well as leading policy engagements. As a researcher, she managed a follow-up study that examines the effects of providing female bank accounts on women’s employment and empowerment during the COVID-19 pandemic. She has also worked on the Survey of Migrant Workers in Chhattisgarh and Bihar.

She completed her PhD in Economics at the University of Virginia. Her research interests are in the fields of development and applied microeconomics. Her other work focuses on the determinants of human capital formation with a special focus on gender differences in India.

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