Geetika Pandya

Email: gpandya(at)3ieimpact(dot)org

Senior Research Associate

Geetika Pandya

Geetika provides research and technical support across multiple thematic domains, including 3ie’s gender and women’s empowerment programs in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Before joining 3ie, Geetika worked as a project manager at the Energy Institute at UC Berkeley, managing an MCC-funded impact evaluation of electric grid reliability in Ghana. She has also undertaken projects with Y-Labs, WaterAid, and Fair-Trade USA, working across sectors like health, WASH, economic empowerment, and financial inclusion. Geetika began her career as a Data Analyst with Mu Sigma in Bangalore, India, where she consulted for Fortune 100 businesses.

She holds a Master’s in Development Practice from University of California Berkeley and a Bachelor’s in Technology (Mechatronics Engineering) from Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India.