Paul Ferraro

Senior Research Fellow

Paul Ferraro is a 3ie senior fellow and Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Human Behavior and Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University. Drawing on multiple disciplines and methodologies, Ferraro collaborates with scientists, lawyers, engineers, and program administrators to develop evidence-based environmental programs and to understand causal relationships, both natural and anthropogenic, in complex environments. Ferraro is co-Director of the Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-environmental Research (CBEAR) and Director of the Environmental Program Innovations Collaborative (EPIC). Both centers work with environmental program managers and their partners to develop evidence-based programs that change human behaviors in ways that benefit the environment and society. More information about Professor Ferraro and his research activities can be found on his website.

The Research Fellows Program brings together experts from diverse backgrounds to provide intellectual leadership and technical support to strategic areas for 3ie. Our fellows work with our global team and are uniquely positioned to lead or support new and ongoing initiatives and programs in their areas of expertise.