Christine Kelly

Email: ckelly(at)3ieimpact(dot)org

Lead Evaluation Specialist

Christine Kelly

Dr Christine Kelly has more than 15 years’ experience conducting, managing and commissioning research programmes across the education and health sectors. She has also engaged in methodological work to assess the validity of primary data and drive innovation in evaluation design. At 3ie, she provides technical leadership and management of evidence synthesis products and impact evaluations. She is currently leading several projects through the Research Commissioning Centre, with a particular focus on evidence use in policymaking. She is based in London.

Christine joined 3ie from the Education Endowment Foundation, where she was responsible for a portfolio of impact evaluations to understand how to improve educational attainment for disadvantaged children. She also managed the £5 million Global Trials Fund, designed to support evaluation commissioning by international partners in the Evidence for Education Network. She has previously worked at the Behavioural Insights Team in London and the Population Council in New York on large-scale, mixed-method research programmes in Malawi, Zambia and Bangladesh.

Christine holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Population Health and an MSc in Demography and Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.