3ie’s executive director Emmanuel Jimenez participated in the 2019 Asian Evaluation Week, a leading evaluation and knowledge sharing event in the Asia-Pacific region. He participated in various panels, on the roles of citizens in the quality of evaluation, impact investing, and evaluations in complex settings.

This year’s theme was Quality evaluation for better results: local, national, and regional perspectives. Around 150 participants including evaluators, government employees, international organisations and academic attended the event.

See details of 3ie’s participation below.

Place: Kunming, People’s Republic of China

Citizen and CSO-state and quality of evaluation

2 September, Monday
4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Emmanuel Jimenez, executive director, 3ie;
Vinay Bhargava, chief technical officer, Partnership for Transparency Fund; and,
Gambhir Bhatta, advisor, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department and Chief of Knowledge Advisory Services Center, ADB

Impact investing- what role can evaluation play?

3 September, Tuesday
2:00 PM -3.30PM

Lead presenter: Jyotsna Puri, head, Independent Evaluation Department, Green Climate Fund; Case study presenter: Alexander Wellsteed, principal evaluation specialist Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank

Panelist: Emmanuel Jimenez, executive director, 3ie

Moderator: Gambhir Bhatta, advisor, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department and Chief of Knowledge Advisory Services Center, ADB

Evaluations in complex settings: principles and practice

3 September, Tuesday
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Lead presenter: Jyotsna Puri, head, Independent Evaluation Department, Green Climate Fund;

Case Study Presenters:  
Emmanuel Jimenez, executive director, 3ie
David Raitzer, economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank

Moderator: Farzana Ahmed, lead evaluation specialist, Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank

New frontiers in impact evaluation (parallel session)

5 Sep, Thursday
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Emmanuel Jimenez, executive director, 3ie and Johanna Pennarz, IFAD