Asian Development Bank's Independent Evaluation Group, and the Asia Pacific Finance and Development Institute are organizing the Asian Evaluation Week 2-5 September in Shanghai, China and the theme is “Innovations for Influential Evaluation.” The conference brings together government officials, representatives of international organizations, and evaluation experts interested in exchanging knowledge, sharing experience, and learning the latest innovations in evaluation.

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Leveraging impact evaluations for development impact

3 September, 11 AM CST

Participants will discover the power of impact evaluations to establish clear cause-and-effect relationships, fostering more strategic, effective, and efficient decision-making in development initiatives across various sectors.

Lead Presenter: 
David Raitzer, Senior Economist, Economic Research and Development Impact Department (ERDI), ADB

Marie Gaarder, Executive Director, 3ie  
Nassreena Baddiri, Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB 
Denni Puspa Purbasari, Executive Director, Kartu Prakerja, Indonesia

Emmanuel Jimenez, DG, IED, ADB  

Evaluation Headlines Live: Evolving Role of Evaluation in Preparing for an Uncertain Future

5 September, 11AM CST

Emmanuel Jimenez, Director General, Independent Evaluation Department, ADB

Marie Gaarder, Executive Director, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
Carmen Nonay, Director Finance, Private Sector, Infrastructure & Sustainable Development
Department, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), World Bank
Andreas Reumann, Head, Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU), Green Climate Fund