gLOCAL Evaluation Week is an annual dedicated week for monitoring and evaluation knowledge and experience sharing events around the globe, convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative. 3ie participated in the event with the overarching theme “EvalEvolve: The evolution of M&E in the 21st century”.

3ie @ gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022

M&E from ground up: Lessons from monitoring the Swashakt program

30 May 2022, 15:00-16:30 IST
3ie’s Swashakt program is supporting project implementation and evaluation to generate evidence around interventions that support women’s collective enterprises and enhance their viability, scalability and returns. In developing capacity and supporting monitoring systems of grassroots projects promoting women’s economic empowerment across ten states of India, 3ie and grant management partner LEAD at Krea University are learning about enabling factors and trade-offs. In this session, they share key milestones and lessons for developing and implementing an M&E framework for the measurement of complex outcomes along with implementers who are part of the Swashakt program in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel discussed insights about building monitoring capacity inclusively and sensitively and what trade-offs may be involved in collecting data for measures of women’s agency and economic empowerment.

Bidisha Barooah, Lead Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
Morchan Karthick, Data Scientist, STREE and Swashakt, LEAD at Krea University
Madhu Khetan, Integrator, PRADAN
Tara Nair, Professor, Gujarat Institute of Development Research

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Le service d’assistance a l’utilisation des données probantes (help-desk) du programme WACIE: production et dissémination des notes de reponses rapides

31 Mai 2022, 13:00-14:30 GMT
En effet, en 2020 le programme WACIE en partenariat avec IDinsight a initié le service d’assistance à l’utilisation des données probantes « Helpdesk » au profit des décideurs et acteurs du développement dans les pays de l’UEMOA dans le but de favoriser l’accès et l’utilisation des données probantes issues des évaluations. L’objectif est d’appuyer les décideurs et les acteurs du développement en mettant à leur disposition et dans des formats appropriés la synthèse des données probantes sur une question spécifique. A la date d’aujourd’hui six notes de réponses rapides ont déjà été élaborées en réponse aux différentes requêtes formulées par les acteurs du développement.

Le webinaire a porté sur les points suivants : (i) les déterminants de l’utilisation des données probantes par les acteurs du développement notamment les décideurs, (ii) la présentation du service d’assistance à l’utilisation des données probantes (Helpdesk), (iii) la dissémination des notes de réponses rapides élaborés par le Helpdesk.

Bio Bertrand Mama, Research Associate, WACIE
Dislène Senan Sossou, Research Associate, WACIE

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Strengthening systems for Transparent, Reproducible, and Ethical Evidence (TREE)

3 June 2022, 6:30-8:00 am PT

As researchers, funders, policymakers, and other actors dedicated to evidence-based decision-making, we want evaluations to produce credible and unbiased evidence which is meaningful for decision-makers. We also want our evaluations to be conducted while maintaining the highest ethical standards. This session presents the Transparent, Reproducible, and Ethical Evidence (TREE) Review Framework which aims to (i) establish ethical standards for how we design and implement evaluations; (ii) support researchers to integrate best practices in TREE into research workflow; and (iii) establish a timely, independent process that documents, monitors, and mitigates risks facing the ethical conduct of evaluations. The session provided the audience with an overview of the framework and tools. The panel comprised of researchers and research funders who have pilot-tested the TREE Review Framework in India and Cameroon, providing the audience with key takeaways, perspectives, and lessons learned from the field. The session ended with an invitation to the audience to participate in a guided Q&A session focused on how processes and tools such as the TREE Review Framework may strengthen their own systems for ethical conduct and oversight of evaluation.

Jennifer Sturdy, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
Bidisha Barooah, Lead Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
Chandan Jain, Evaluation Specialist, 3ie 
Andrew Tangang, Research Fellow and Senior Policy Analyst, Effective Basic Services (eBase)
Charlotte Lane, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie

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