Speaker: Annemie Maertens, senior lecturer in economics, University of Sussex
Discussant: JV Meenakshi, professor, Delhi School of Economics
Chair: Diana Lopez-Avila , evaluation specialist, 3ie
Date: 23 August 2017

Agricultural extension can play a crucial role in relieving farmers’ information constraints and encourage adoption of improved agricultural technologies, thereby potentially increasing yields and income. Promoting cost-effective agricultural extension systems is especially important in developing country economies that are highly dependent on agriculture. Agricultural extension systems tend to rely primarily on two models for disseminating information about new technologies: farmer field days and farmer-led demonstration plots. In this seminar, Annemie Maertnens presented results from a 3ie-funded impact evaluation in Malawi on the effects of these two primary models on farmer learning and adoption of integrated soil fertility management practices.

About the speaker

Annemie Maertens is a senior lecturer in economics at the University of Sussex. She is an agricultural economist and studies poverty in rural communities. Her research focusses primarily  on agriculture technology adoption and investment in education. She is particularly interested in how people learn about their environment and situation, and how this impacts behaviour.