
Our seminars provide a platform for researchers, policymakers and programme managers to share lessons learned from evaluations and reviews in a wide-variety of sectors.

We organise monthly seminars in Delhi to promote public discussions on the production and use of high-quality evidence for informing decision-making. We also organise the monthly 3ie-LIDC seminar series ‘What works in international development,’ in London

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Previous events

Transparency and reproducibility of impact evaluation: a turning point for the evaluation community

Seminar 28 April 2017 New Delhi
In this 3ie Delhi seminar, Arnaud Vanagay presented his research in meta-research. He covered measuring the transparency and the scientific credibility of applied social sciences (e.g. evaluations of employment policies) and the influence of scientific norms, political institutions and financial incentives on the transparency and credibility of this research.

From evidence to action: Working together to realise the Swachh Bharat Mission

Seminar 17 March 2017 New Delhi
In this 3ie Delhi seminar, Nipun Vinayak, former director, Swachh Bharat Mission talked about how civil society could be supporting the SBM vision and how the gaps between policy, programming and practice could be bridged.

The role and interpretation of pilot studies in impact evaluation research

Seminar 20 October 2016 New Delhi
In this presentation, Shagun Sabarwal used the example of a recent pilot study done in collaboration with Government of Punjab as a precursor to a full-scale cluster randomised evaluation.

October 2016

Cash transfers: What Does the Evidence Say? A Rigorous Review of Programme Impact and of the Role of Design and Implementation Features

Seminar 05 October 2016 London
This study retrieves, assesses and synthesises the evidence on the effects of cash transfers on individuals and households through a rigorous review of the literature of 15 years, from 2000 to 2015, covering low- and middle-income countries world-wide.

February 2020
London, UK

Five challenges in the design and practice of implementation science trials for HIV prevention and treatment

CEDIL 19 February 2020 London, UK
James Hargreaves (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) will discuss challenges with conducting rigorous trials in the field of HIV prevention and treatment and how to solve them.

January 2020
London, UK

Using evidence in humanitarian decision-making

CEDIL 29 January 2020 London, UK
Sheree Bennett (International Rescue Committee) will discuss efforts to increase the use of evidence, the challenges and successes experienced to date and lessons for agencies wishing to adopt a more evidence-based approach.