Evidence impact stories

Watch short engaging stories describing how 3ie’s work has had an impact.

Breaking through stagnation: tackling barriers to immunisation coverage


Immunisation can prevent illness, disability and death. But almost 20 million infants did not receive routine immunisation as recently as 2017. To reach the last mile and achieve universal vaccination coverage, we need to address complex local contexts and multiple barriers to vaccination.

This video talks about how generating evidence on how to tackle the multiple barriers to achieving universal coverage can help us break through the stagnation and ensure that no one is left behind.

How evidence helped address ultra poverty in Malawi


The Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme aims to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations, which are constrained from participating in the labour force because of age (too old or young), chronic illnesses or disabilities. The evidence generated from a 3ie-supported impact evaluation informed four changes in the programme design, including its eventual scale-up across all districts in Malawi. The evidence helped dispel several myths associated with unconditional cash transfers and reduce scepticism among several stakeholders.

3ie Evidence Impact Stories


3ie-funded impact evaluations and systematic reviews have generated useful evidence that have informed numerous changes to development policies and programmes, steered global discussions and strengthened the culture of evaluation.

Mapping the evidence on WASH promotion in communities, schools and health facilities


To help achieve universal targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals and reach the most disadvantaged populations, we need access to high-quality evidence on what works in WASH promotion in different contexts and for different populations. 3ie has just released its latest WASH evidence gap map showing us where we have good evidence to make improvements and where we do not. The map focuses on evidence on promotional approaches in households, schools, health facilities and communities in low- and middle-income countries. Our latest update adds 234 additional studies from low- and middle-income countries.

Evaluating advocacy initiatives: what works?


In recent decades, advocacy programmes have proliferated, particularly in development programming. They have aimed to establish or change policy and legislation, bring about positive change within an organisation, or target behavioural and attitudinal change amongst individuals or communities.

This video provides an introduction to a 3ie working paper funded by WSSCC that reviewed 56 impact evaluations and used positive deviance analysis to identify factors associated with successful advocacy programmes. It also summarises the paper’s findings on challenges related to evaluating advocacy and offers pointers for identifying suitable methods.

Featured: Evidence, action and impact- the 3ie story

3ie marked its 10th year in the week of 14 May 2018, and we would not have reached this important milestone without your continued support and encouragement. We are incredibly proud of all the collaborations and partnerships that have helped us to further our mission of achieving evidence-informed development. To mark our 10th anniversary, we reflected on the highlights of the last decade. This video charts out 3ie’s journey as a funder and a global advocate for evidence-informed equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.

Using behavioural science to promote latrine use in rural India


This video gives an overview of 3ie's Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India Evidence Programme. It captures insights on the barriers to latrine use in different states in India and reinforces the need for high-quality evidence on effective behaviour change interventions for informing sanitation programmes and policies.