Jyotsna Puri

Dr Jyotsna Puri (Jo) is the Head of Green Climate Fund's Independent Evaluation Unit.

Blogs by author

Seizing the Istanbul moment: rooting for evidence at the World Humanitarian Summit

In 2014, global humanitarian assistance totalled US$24.5 billion. TheWorld Humanitarian Assistance Report (2015)noted that there was still a shortfall of 38 per cent in terms of unmet need. The UN…

Miles before we sleep: building evidence on forest conservation

The conference of parties (COP21) meeting in Paris last week arrived at a historic and new global consensus to stop climate change by committing to 1.5 Celsius increase in average temperature target…

Collaborating with communities to improve vaccine coverage: a strategy worth pursuing?

It is unfortunate but distrust of vaccines remains widespread in the world today. In August 2003, apolio vaccination boycottwas declared in the five northern states of Nigeria. Political and…

Reversing the resource curse through impact evaluations

Countries such as Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria have large reserves of natural resources. They are also countries that have suffered extended periods of political violence,…

Early engagement improves REDD+ and early warning system design and proposals

At 3ie, our mission is to fund the generation and sharing of sound, useful evidence on the impacts of development programmes and policies work. Actually, we’re more curious (or nosy) than that. For…