The effects of climate change, human-made disasters, and other recurring crises are contributing to multifaceted and complex emergencies globally. In this context, it is important to have an evidence-based and multidimensional understanding of how these challenges intersect with other factors and how they may cause or exacerbate them.
Time: 15:00-16:30 BST
3ie’s latest evidence gap map (EGM) helps improve access to research on the effectiveness of interventions to strengthen resilience to shocks and stressors in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs). Our map makes it easier to identify lessons on what works from existing systematic reviews and clusters of primary studies which might be synthesized in a systematic review.
Our Resilience EGM has been created alongside three other EGMs on nutrition, agriculture, and water, sanitation and hygiene with support from USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, via a partnership with D-Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The map shows which interventions and outcomes, and shocks/stressors, the available effectiveness evidence has focused on so far, thus showing for which areas we know what works, and for which we need additional evidence.
In this launch event, hosted by British Expertise International, experts will discuss the rationale behind the map, the structure and delve into the implications of the findings.
- John Meyer, Senior Strategy and Impact Advisor, Center for Resilience, USAID
- Christophe Bene, Principal Scientist and Senior Policy Advisor, CIAT
- Miriam Berretta, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
- Carolyn Huang, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
Chair: Alexandra Barnes, Director, Infrastructure and Climate Resilience, BEI
Watch the Session here.