Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health.
Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health.
The 3ie-funded study by Mohanan et al. evaluated two programmes by Indian state governments that enabled pregnant women from poor households to access free maternity care at public or private hospitals. The researchers found that the Chiranjeevi Yojna in Gujarat or the Thayi Bhagya Yojana in Karnataka had no significant effect on institutional delivery rates or maternal health outcomes. In his foreword, Bill Gates says “ ...In Gujarat in western India, for example, a program to pay private doctors to offer hospital child-births to poor women failed to increase the number of hospital deliveries or reduce birth-related complications –because it never reached the poorest mothers. What this case showed is that good intentions need effective, targeted delivery systems to make a real difference. There is as much to learn from a health program that did not reach its goals as from one that did.”