3ie welcomes USAID to the Global Evidence Commitment

3ie welcomes USAID to the Global Evidence Commitment
3ie welcomes USAID as the newest member of the Global Evidence Commitment. As part of the Agency’s long-term commitment to evidence, Michele Sumilas, Assistant to the Administrator for Policy, Planning and Learning signed the pledge on behalf of USAID on 2 May 2024. USAID joins other leading development sector institutions that are working together to strengthen mutual learning and support in making better use of rigorous evidence. The founding signatories include the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank, KfW Development Bank, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office, and 3ie.
The Global Evidence Commitment was launched in October 2023 as a collaborative effort to improve evidence culture and use in our organizations and encourage others to undertake similar efforts by illustrating the importance of its far-reaching impacts. As the convenor of the pledge, 3ie is proud to facilitate our partners in this process. To know more about the pledge, please reach us at globalevidencecommitment@3ieimpact.org.