
© Georgina Smith,CIAT

To help address gaps in the understanding of what works and what does not, we fund a variety of studies across this programme area, including interventions focused on insurance, extension, land-use and forestry, and innovation and technology.

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Strengthening soil management practices and access to markets among smallholder farmers in Malawi

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief is based on an impact evaluation of the Anchor Farm Model, a programme that promotes the use of demonstration plots, farmer-based organisations and farmer field days, to adopt integrated soil fertility and management practices and improve farmers' access to markets in Malawi.

Impact of creative capacity building of local innovators and communities on income, welfare and attitudes in Uganda

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation report evaluate the impact of a community-driven programme that helps agricultural communities identify and design their own tools and machines to meet their priority needs.

Impacts of linking savings group to formal financial service providers and strengthening their internal group insurance mechanism in Zambia

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation investigate interventions aimed at improving the effectiveness and sustainability of community-based financial institutions or saving groups and their inclusion in the formal financial system in Zambia.

The effect of demonstration plots and the warehouse receipt system on integrated soil fertility management adoption, yield and income of smallholder farmers: a study from Malawi’s Anchor Farms

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation assesses the impact of a programme that aims to encourage farmers, by promoting the use of demonstration plots, farmer-based organisations and farmer field days, to adopt integrated soil fertility and management practices and improve farmers’ access to output markets by negotiating advance guaranteed prices with commercial buyers.

Impact evaluation of the integrated soil fertility management dissemination programme in Burkina Faso

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation assess the effectiveness of the integrated soil fertility management practices to increase agricultural productivity and if demonstration plots, together with activities like trainings, videos, and so on can be used to promote the adoption of this practice in Burkina Faso.

Conservation Agriculture Evaluation Project in Northern Ghana: a formative evaluation using a framed field experiment

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This formative evaluation investigates whether adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) techniques by farmers can be increased through well-designed incentives and information about their peer’s experience with adopting CA.

Impacts of a Digital Credit-Insurance Bundle for Landless Farmers: Evidence from a Cluster Randomized Trial in Odisha, India

Impact evaluation 3ie 2023 Publication type : Published working paper
Author : Berber Kramer, Pattnaik Subhransu, Patrick S. Ward, Yingchen Xu
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

An impact assessment of EAMDA’s banana initiative to increase technology adoption by smallholder farmers in Kenya

Impact evaluation 3ie 2023 Publication type : 3ie series report
Author : Shyamal Chowdhury, Elijah Kipchumba, Jane Kabubo Mariara, Michael Murigi, Uttam Sharma, Munshi Sulaiman, , , , ,
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Bundling Weather Index-Based Insurance With Loans in Senegal: Evaluating Impact on Insurance Take-up and Farmers’ Well Being

Impact evaluation 3ie 2021 Publication type : 3ie-funded ongoing study
Author : Mame Mor Anta Syll, Assane Faye, Hamidou Diop, Moustapha Fall, Seydina Ousmane Sene
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The Effect of Demonstration Plots and the Warehouse Receipt System on Integrated Soil Fertility Management Adoption, Yield and Income of Smallholder Farmers: A Study from Malawi’s Anchor Farms

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020 Publication type : 3ie series report
Author : Annemie Maertens, Wezi Mhango, Hope C. Michelson
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Knowledge Heterogeneity: Experimental Evidence on Information Barriers to Oilseed Adoption in Uganda

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020 Publication type : 3ie grantee final report
Author : Mariapia Mendola, Harounan Kazianga, Jacopo Bonan, William Ekere
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Impacts of linking savings group to formal financial service providers and strengthening their internal group insurance mechanism in Zambia

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020 Publication type : 3ie series report
Author : Markus Frölich, Linh Nguyen
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Strengthening soil management practices and access to markets among smallholder farmers in Malawi

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief is based on an impact evaluation of the Anchor Farm Model, a programme that promotes the use of demonstration plots, farmer-based organisations and farmer field days, to adopt integrated soil fertility and management practices and improve farmers' access to markets in Malawi.

Impact of creative capacity building of local innovators and communities on income, welfare and attitudes in Uganda

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation report evaluate the impact of a community-driven programme that helps agricultural communities identify and design their own tools and machines to meet their priority needs.

Impacts of linking savings group to formal financial service providers and strengthening their internal group insurance mechanism in Zambia

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation investigate interventions aimed at improving the effectiveness and sustainability of community-based financial institutions or saving groups and their inclusion in the formal financial system in Zambia.

Impact evaluation of the integrated soil fertility management dissemination programme in Burkina Faso

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation assess the effectiveness of the integrated soil fertility management practices to increase agricultural productivity and if demonstration plots, together with activities like trainings, videos, and so on can be used to promote the adoption of this practice in Burkina Faso.

The effect of demonstration plots and the warehouse receipt system on integrated soil fertility management adoption, yield and income of smallholder farmers: a study from Malawi’s Anchor Farms

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this impact evaluation assesses the impact of a programme that aims to encourage farmers, by promoting the use of demonstration plots, farmer-based organisations and farmer field days, to adopt integrated soil fertility and management practices and improve farmers’ access to output markets by negotiating advance guaranteed prices with commercial buyers.

Impacts, maintenance and sustainability of irrigation in Rwanda

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020  
Authors of this study highlight the impacts of five irrigation schemes in Rwanda that support cultivation during dry seasons and mitigate the effects of climate variability, on smallholder farmers’ welfare.

Impacts of a Digital Credit-Insurance Bundle for Landless Farmers: Evidence from a Cluster Randomized Trial in Odisha, India

Impact evaluation 3ie 2023 Publication type : Published working paper
Author : Berber Kramer, Pattnaik Subhransu, Patrick S. Ward, Yingchen Xu
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

An impact assessment of EAMDA’s banana initiative to increase technology adoption by smallholder farmers in Kenya

Impact evaluation 3ie 2023 Publication type : 3ie series report
Author : Shyamal Chowdhury, Elijah Kipchumba, Jane Kabubo Mariara, Michael Murigi, Uttam Sharma, Munshi Sulaiman, , , , ,
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Bundling Weather Index-Based Insurance With Loans in Senegal: Evaluating Impact on Insurance Take-up and Farmers’ Well Being

Impact evaluation 3ie 2021 Publication type : 3ie-funded ongoing study
Author : Mame Mor Anta Syll, Assane Faye, Hamidou Diop, Moustapha Fall, Seydina Ousmane Sene
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

The Effect of Demonstration Plots and the Warehouse Receipt System on Integrated Soil Fertility Management Adoption, Yield and Income of Smallholder Farmers: A Study from Malawi’s Anchor Farms

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020 Publication type : 3ie series report
Author : Annemie Maertens, Wezi Mhango, Hope C. Michelson
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Knowledge Heterogeneity: Experimental Evidence on Information Barriers to Oilseed Adoption in Uganda

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020 Publication type : 3ie grantee final report
Author : Mariapia Mendola, Harounan Kazianga, Jacopo Bonan, William Ekere
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Impacts of linking savings group to formal financial service providers and strengthening their internal group insurance mechanism in Zambia

Impact evaluation 3ie 2020 Publication type : 3ie series report
Author : Markus Frölich, Linh Nguyen
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Agricultural input subsidies for improving productivity, farm income, consumer welfare and wider growth in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review

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This systematic review by Hemming and colleagues examined the effectiveness of agricultural input subsidies.

The effectiveness of contract farming in improving smallholder income and food security in low- and middle-income countries: a mixed-method systematic review

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This systematic review by Ton and colleagues examines the effectiveness of contract farming, a common means of sourcing farm produce from smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income cou

Effects of certification schemes for agricultural production on socio-economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review

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Certification schemes set and monitor voluntary standards to make agricultural production socially sustainable and agricultural trade fairer for producers and workers.

The effects of training, innovation and new technology on African smallholder farmers’ wealth and food security

Systematic review 3ie 2015  
This systematic review by Stewart and colleagues analyses the impact of several farming interventions on household income and food security among rural households. Included studies assess the effects of innovation and new technology interventions.

The impact of land property rights interventions on investment and agricultural productivity in developing countries: a systematic review

Systematic review 3ie 2016  

This systematic review by Lawry and colleagues examines the impacts of interventions to strengthen land property rights on agricultural and livelihood outcomes in rural areas.

Does agricultural certification improve well-being?

Systematic review Brief 3ie 2017  
This brief is based on a systematic review that assesses the impact of agriculture certification schemes for improving socially sustainable and fairer production for smallholder farmers and workers.

Agricultural innovation: an evidence gap map

Evidence gap map

This map, funded by the UK Department for International Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, presents existing evidence on agricultural inputs, practices and programmes aimed at improving farmers’ productivity and well-being. It further highlights prominent evidence gaps on cost-effectiveness, measurements of spillover effects and the use of experimental evaluation methods.

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Agricultural risk and mitigation gap map

Evidence gap map

This map, funded by the UK Department for International Development, presents existing evidence on agricultural insurance interventions that aim to improve smallholder farmer resilience in L&MICs.

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Savings revisited: a replication study of a savings intervention in Malawi

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Recalling extra data: a replication study of Finding missing markets

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Benjamin DK Wood and Michell Dong conduct an internal replication of Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence From an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention In Kenya (2009).

The long and short of returns to public investments in fifteen Ethiopian villages

Replication paper 3ie 2015  

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