WACIE Helpdesk
The WACIE Helpdesk, an initiative led by 3ie’s WACIE program provides rapid synthesis and evidence translation to help policymakers in West Africa understand what evidence exists for specific policy questions. It also connects them to additional resources, such as remote, telephone-based data collection or rapid-cycle program evaluations. The Helpdesk is staffed by 3ie with support from other experts when necessary. For more information, contact wacie@3ieimpact.org

Rapid Response Briefs
WACIE Helpdesk Rapid Response Briefs answer questions from West African policymakers about the design of development programming. Rapid Response Briefs identify and synthesize high-quality, context-relevant evidence surrounding which interventions are effective and how those programs should be implemented. Whenever possible, we rely on findings from systematic reviews, which combine results from all the relevant studies on a particular research question, yielding more reliable findings than individual studies. We supplement systematic reviews with evidence from impact evaluations and other studies from relevant contexts, especially from West Africa.
To submit a question, please contact wacie@3ieimpact.org.
Completed WACIE Rapid Response Briefs: