Paul Thissen

Designation: Senior Evaluation and Communication Specialist
Paul provides technical and management leadership of and support for impact evaluations, synthesis, and other evidence programs. He is the lead author for 3ie’s 2020 Hindsight campaign blogs. Paul also supports the production of communication materials to effectively convey research findings and 3ie accomplishments to a wide variety of audiences.

Blogs by author

What gets youths into jobs around the world? Train them in a skill

Worldwide, young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults, according to data from the International Labor Organization (ILO). Even among employed youth, many work bad jobs for painfully low wages.

How to read a systematic review: A quick guide for policy practitioners

Here at 3ie, we're big supporters of systematic reviews, which combine evidence from multiple different studies addressing the same type of research question. This strategy provides stronger evidence than relying on a single case, where idiosyncratic issues can affect program outcomes.

What works to help students learn? Teach the teachers. Feed the students

More than half of kids in the world are not meeting minimum proficiency levels in reading or math, even though a majority of them of them are already in school, according to UNESCO. This data shows that the issue discussed in last week's blog post—how to get kids into classrooms— is only one part of the problem.

What works to improve school enrollment and attendance? Cash

In 2018, one in six of the world's school-aged children — more than 258 million kids —were not in school, according to UNESCO. And as that data shows, progress in increasing attendance has slowed dramatically, with the proportion of children who do not attend primary school barely budging in the last decade.