3ie transparency and accountability impact evaluations: Sharing early results and implementation lessons

We organised a peer-learning workshop at the 8th Africa Evaluation Association Conference in Kampala in March 2017. There were rich discussions on the relevance of producing more evidence on transparency and accountability in the extractive resources sector, especially against the local backdrop of Uganda’s burgeoning oil sector. Participants emphasised the need to figure out how to allocate revenue from extractives to different sectors, such as health and education. Grantees presented early baseline results and an overview of the interventions, the relevance of their research, evaluation design and the challenges they have been encountering. External experts and other research team members provided feedback on how teams could improve their analysis or explore ways to understand the value for money and effectiveness of these interventions in real-world settings.

Start Date: 20 October 2017 End Date: 20 October 2017
TAI workshop


Transparency in extractive sectors: channels and empirical evidence (65.7 KB)
Juan Pablo Rud, Royal Holloway, University of London

Improving revenue systems to unlock extractives transparency (619.3 KB)
Steve Macey, Adam Smith International

NRGI’s presentation on monitoring, evaluation and learning framework (303.7 KB)
Matteo Pellegrini, Natural Resource Governance Institute

Soft standards and long causal chains: challenges and opportunities in evaluating TAI in extractives sector (701.6 KB)
Francis Rathinam, 3ie

An impact assessment of stakeholder engagement interventions in Ugandan oil extractives (1.6 MB)
Eric A Coleman, Florida State University; Jacob Manyindo, Maendeleo ya Jamii (MYJ); Rani Parker, Business-Community Synergies

Deliberative democracy and the resource curse: experimental evidence from Tanzania (933.4 KB)
Jennifer Richmond, Center for Global Development

Community monitoring of socio-environmental liabilities with advanced technologies in Ecuador and Peru: Evidence from a randomised control trial using high-frequency data (1.5 MB)
Lorenzo Pellegrini, International Institute of Social Studies

Transparency and accountability initiatives for India's mineral mining sector (137.5 KB)
Kevin Rowe, Harvard University

Examining transparency and accountability within the oil and gas sector: impact evaluation of key provisions of Ghana’s Petroleum Revenue Management Act (2011) (2.6 MB)
Ishmael Edjekumhene, Kumasi Institute of Technology and Environment (KITE), Ghana

The mechanics of the natural resource curse: information and local elite behavior in Mozambique (3.2 MB)
Pedro Vicente, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Behavioural responses to information on contaminated drinking water: randomized evidence from the Ecuadorian Amazon (2.7 MB)
Lorenzo Pellegrini, International Institute of Social Studies

Stakeholder engagement and evidence uptake and use (673.3 KB)
Kanika Jha, 3ie