With just five years left to 2030, progress on the SDGs is lagging, making high-quality, accessible evidence critical for informed decision-making. 3ie’s Development Evidence Portal (DEP)—with 19,000+ studies—is a continuously updated repository of impact evaluations and systematic reviews that help identify effective policies in low- and middle-income countries. This 3ie Evidence Dialogues webinar will present key findings from a recent SDG evidence analysis by 3ie and DEval, followed by a panel discussion featuring experts from global agencies like UNICEF and national evidence brokers like ACED and PACE. The session will explore how global public goods like the DEP can better support policymakers and practitioners in leveraging evidence for sustainable development.
Speakers & panelists
Chair: Birte Snilstveit, Director, Synthesis and Reviews, 3ie
- Martin Bruder, Head at Department of Civil Society, Human Rights, DEval.
- Mark Engelbert, Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
- Kerry Albright, Director of Evaluation, UNICEF, Co-Chair SDG Synthesis Coalition (TBC)
- Laurenz Langer, Executive Director, Pan-African Collective for Evidence
- Frejus Thoto, Executive Director ACED
- Exclusive insights from 3ie & DEval on key findings from the SDG evidence landscape to gain actionable insights on evidence trends, opportunities, and gaps
- Panel discussion with global experts on bridging the evidence gap
- Real-world use cases on leveraging DEP for informed decision-making
- Interactive Q&A with leading development practitioners