If economists are the ‘dismal scientists’ always harping on about limited resources, evaluators are often considered the ‘pessimist scientists’ who only see the half-empty glass, rather than the half…
Collecting primary data for impact evaluations can be both costly and time-intensive, especially in terms of planning, designing survey instruments, setting up field protocols, training enumerators,…
Integrating mixed-methods approaches with impact evaluations like process evaluations and implementation studies has been in practice for a while, and for very good reasons. In this blog, we share…
Deepa (name changed), a 36-year-old transgender woman, had to flee her home in southern India when she was 18. She came to Delhi and subsequently underwent sex reassignment surgery. Recalling her…
Wars, droughts, floods and other effects of climate change are leading to pervasive and complex emergencies globally, causing displacement, famine and crop failure, among many other adversities. As…