Marie Gaarder

Marie Gaarder
Designation: Executive Director, 3ie
Marie Gaarder is the executive director of 3ie, leading the organisation’s efforts to improve lives in low- and middle-income countries by supporting the generation and effective use of high-quality and relevant evidence to inform decision-making.

Blogs by author

Using evidence in decision-making: Moving from commitment to practice by distinguishing evidence from any old data

The importance of evidence for decision-making is widely acknowledged, and an increasing number of organizations are stating this officially. This type of organizational signaling can be an important lever for improving the culture of evidence use. At the same time, acknowledging the importance of evidence is just the beginning; it does not entail any specific decision, action, or behavior.

A roadmap for more TRIPS on the evidence journey

In October 2023, 3ie created the Global Evidence Commitment, a statement signed by seven leading international development institutions to date to improve their organizational use of rigorous evidence in decision-making. Today, we offer thoughts on the levers these and likeminded organizations can use to improve their culture of evidence use. We call this the TRIPS Framework.

How should evaluators respond to a changing global landscape? Ideas from the World Bank IEG's expert panel

To respond to a rapidly-changing global context, the evaluation community needs to adapt its methods and approaches, according to an expert panel assembled by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG).

Major bilateral and multilateral organizations sign 3ie-led Global Evidence Commitment

Last week, during the high-profile IDB Knowledge Week, 3ie launched the Global Evidence Commitment, an opportunity for leading international development institutions – bilaterals, multilateral development banks, international NGOs, philanthropies – to come together to improve the culture and practice of evidence use in their institutions.

15 years of 3ie: Reflecting on our contributions and the work ahead

As a mission-driven non-profit international organization, this mission remains the north star that motivates our staff, board of directors, fellows, and partners. Occasionally it is important to pause, reflect on where we are, and celebrate what we have achieved as a community. What better occasion to do so than for our 15th anniversary!