Promoting latrine use in rural India: what does the evidence say?

India is responsible for the majority of the world’s open defecation – a practice that spreads disease and cuts lives short. To address the issue, the Indian government’s Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM; Clean India Mission), which completes its third year, has been providing toilets, particularly in rural areas where they are most needed.  SBM has also made explicit the importance of behaviour change and getting people to use those toilets.

Strengthening impact evaluation ecosystems by supporting local research teams

Building a culture of evidence is a tall order, one that demands the engagement of different stakeholders committed to evidence-informed policy. While we embed capacity-building activities in our grant programmes, we continue to explore alternative approaches beyond our grants to increase local researchers’ familiarity with impact evaluation, so the pool of research centers able to provide impact evaluation services in a given country expands.

Washington, DC

c/o Results for Development,
1111 19th Street, NW,
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: +1 202 629 3939

This office supports impact evaluations and replications, implements professional and member services, and manages business development.


1 Poultry London,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 3695 7895

Based in London, the synthesis and reviews office (SRO) funds, promotes and conducts evidence synthesis, including systematic reviews and evidence gap maps. Staff also maintain the Development Evidence Portal.


Unit no. 306,
3rd Floor, Rectangle-1, D-4,
Saket District Centre, Saket
New Delhi - 110017
Tel: +91 11 4989 4444

The executive director’s office is responsible for overall operations; the evaluation office supports, conducts and and assures the quality of impact evaluations, formative studies, mapping and synthesis; the Strategic Communications Office assures the policy relevance of evaluations, supports stakeholder engagement and evidence uptake and use as monitoring, measuring and reporting evidence use; and the programme, finance, IT and administration office provides key back-office functions for the whole of 3ie.

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International Women's Day 2017 : Improving lives using rigorous evidence

Nepal Education Policy Dialog

National Rural Livelihood Mission Theory of Change

NRLM & NRLP stakeholder works

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