Research Fellows

WACIE secretariat

Washington Office

Reflections on the impact of agricultural certification on well-being

Carlos Oya and colleagues recently published a systematic review of agricultural certification schemes that stands out for me as useful research for informing policy and programming. Why do I say that? Agricultural certification schemes set and monitor compliance to voluntary standards with the objective of making production socially sustainable and terms of trade fairer for smallholder farmers and workers.

Do farmers learn from extension services? Evidence from Malawi | Annemie Maertens

In this 3ie Delhi seminar, Annemie Maertens, senior lecturer in economics, University of Sussex, presented results from a 3ie-funded impact evaluation in Malawi on the effects of these two primary models on farmer learning and adoption of i

Impact evaluation of an integrated soil fertility management practices in Malawi | Annemie Maeterns

Agricultural extension can play a crucial role in relieving farmers’ information constraints and encourage adoption of improved agricultural technologies, thereby potentially increasing yields and income.

Preparation meets opportunity: how 3ie’s stakeholder engagement paid off on HIV self-testing

The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. What I know is that HIV self-testing has finally made it. At this year’s International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Science there were an array of posters, oral abstract presentations and satellite sessions on research related to HIV self-testing.

Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health.

The 3ie-funded study by Mohanan et al. evaluated two programmes by Indian state governments that enabled pregnant women from poor

Synthesis and Reviews Office

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