3ie News July 2022

Latest from 3ie | Interview with Seth Berkley | including our new blogs, jobs, events and more!
New | Evidence Dialogues interview series, In conversation with Seth Berkley, CEO, GAVI : We are excited to share our latest initiative, the Evidence Dialogues Interview Series. In the first episode, 3ie’s David de Ferranti speaks to GAVI CEO Seth Berkley on how reliable evaluation evidence has been useful for GAVI’s mission to improve vaccine delivery and immunization around the world.

3ie News May 2022

New blog on Mixed Methods | Featured: Food Systems and Nutrition Evidence Gap Map: More studies added | New blogs, jobs and Upcoming events
As necessary as conventional quantitative methods might be, the importance of adopting a mixed-methods approach in order to understand and answer complex development questions cannot be overemphasized.

3ie News April 2022

Latest from 3ie | New blogs | Upcoming events | Featured: World Immunization Week 2022 | New process evaluation guidelines
Our recent publication ‘Incorporating process evaluation into impact evaluation – What, why and how’ by 3ie Senior Research Fellows Vibecke Dixon and Michael Bamberger lays down the guidelines that can provide impact evaluators with tools and ideas for exploring and adding relevant elements of process evaluations to experimental and quasi-experimental impact evaluation designs.

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