How evidence is feeding into the World Food Programme’s global nutrition programming

Evidence impact summary  

The World Food Programme used evidence from a 3ie working paper to validate the organisation’s global nutrition policy for 2017-21 and to strengthen its operational strategy to improve food security. 

Advancing evidence-informed action to empower women

Evidence impact summary  

Evidence from this systematic review was cited in India’s 2023 Economic Survey. It also informed the Gates Foundation’s women’s empowerment strategy, and guided investments in additional research on women’s groups.

Strengthening the case for India’s national livelihoods program

Evidence impact summary  

Evaluation findings were cited in response to questions in the Indian Parliament by two ministers of rural development and a minister of state. The findings were used by the World Bank to inform the next phases of the government of India’s livelihoods program and were cited in the State of the Economic Inclusion Report 2021.

Improving strategies to increase HIV testing rates in Kenya

Evidence impact summary  

The World Health Organization, Kenya’s National AIDS and STIs Control Program (NASCOP), and its Ministry of Health drew from findings of a 3ie-supported evaluation as they developed policies supporting HIV self-testing services.  

Building on evidence to shift gender attitudes among youth in India

Evidence impact summary  

The Punjab government in India is adapting and expanding a school-based program to seed progressive gender attitudes and behaviors among adolescents following promising findings around its effectiveness in neighboring Haryana state.  

Empowering Adolescents in South Asia

South Asia, home to 600 million children, has the highest number of young people globally.

3ie News December 2021

Reflections on 2021 | Generating evidence that is needed | Ensuring evidence access | Capturing evidence impact | What to expect in 2022 | Round-up of our work

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