Agricultural Innovation Evidence Program

3ie’s agricultural innovation evidence program supports evaluations aimed at understanding how best to encourage farmers in developing economies to adopt new inputs and practices.

Swashakt: Empowering Indian Women’s Collectives

India has one of the lowest female labor force participation rates in South Asia. Among rural women, less than 30 per cent are engaged in productive work, paid or unpaid.

Nutrition and Food Security

Everyone needs reliable access to sufficient, safe and affordable nutritious food, coupled with a sanitary environment, adequate health, education and care. However, all too often, this need is not fulfilled.

Philippines Evidence Program

3ie, in partnership with the Philippines National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, is implementing a multi-year Philippines Evidence Program (also known as Policy Window Philippines).

Improving Lives of Waste Pickers in India

This 3ie-led evaluation will inform future design and scale-up of the Saamuhika Shakti or Collective Impact initiative that aims to improve the lives of waste pickers in Bengaluru, in India’s southern state of Karnataka, through a coordinated multi-sectoral approach.

Transparent, Reproducible and Ethical Evidence (TREE)

3ie champions the research transparency and reproducibility movement as a means of understanding and mitigating challenges to the credibility of social science research, while also working toward stronger integration of ethical principles into practice.

Agricultural Insurance Evidence Program

Agriculture is a major source of sustenance for rural populations in low- and lower-middle income countries. But owing to weather, pests, diseases and price fluctuations, farmers face numerous risks, including crop and livestock losses.

Aquaculture for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Women’s Empowerment

3ie is conducting mixed methods evaluations and systematic reviews to generate evidence around interventions working with smallholder fish farmers, particularly women, to increase productivity and diversity of their aquaculture activities and promote maternal and child nutrition and women’s empowerment.
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