Cem Yavuz

Cem Yavuz
Designation: Senior Research Associate
Cem supports the production of evidence gap maps and systematic reviews on a variety of topics, having previously worked on the social cohesion systematic review and food systems evidence gap map. Cem holds an MSc in Security Study from UCL and a BA in Politics from the University of Kent.

Blogs by author

Mapping evidence gaps on good governance and political competition

Political decisions for the common good and political accountability are important drivers of development and stability. These are enabled by good governance and political competition. Although an increasing body of evidence highlights the importance of institutions and good governance for development, the number of free countries, according to the Freedom House Barometer, has reached its lowest level in 15 years,

The impact of aquaculture on productivity, income, nutrition and women’s empowerment: A call for evidence

Although aquaculture production has seen increased growth in recent decades, the evidence around the impact of aquaculture programmes on the welfare and health of participants in the aquaculture value chain remains scarce. If you know of any studies, published or unpublished, that evaluate aquaculture interventions with a gender lens, do share these papers and supplement our search.