David de Ferranti

David de Ferranti
Designation: Senior Research Fellow
David de Ferranti is a senior research fellow at 3ie. From 2019 through 2022, he was Director of 3ie’s Washington Office and served as a member of our senior management team, providing strategic advice and direction, leading initiatives on business development and partnerships, and contributing to evaluation programs and other technical work.

Blogs by author

The evidence-to-policy conundrum and how to solve it

Does better evidence lead to better policies and programs? Massive amounts of reliable evidence, drawing on scientifically strong methods, including randomized controlled trials, mixed-methods approaches, and more, have been generated and disseminated in recent decades. A Nobel Prize has been awarded for that pathbreaking work. Yet the impact of that evidence – on what policymakers and program implementers think and do – has been far below expectations, even pitifully tiny according to some accounts.

Where next in the quest for better evidence — after this year's picks for the Nobel Prize in Economics

The buzz around this year’s Nobel Prize picks in economics continues to stimulate discussion, not least on “where next in the quest for better evidence?” The groundbreaking research by Laureates David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens has substantially improved our ability to answer key causal questions with great benefits to society. But much more needs to be done to get from conceptual advances to improved practice in evidence-informed decision-making by policymakers and program designers around the globe.