Sebastian Martinez

Sebastian Martinez
Designation: Director of Evaluation
Sebastian Martinez is the Director of Evaluation at 3ie where he leads the generation of high-quality policy-relevant evidence through impact evaluations and applied research.

Blogs by author

New evidence on humanitarian aid: Cash transfers improve outcomes for Venezuelan migrants in Colombia

A recently-completed impact evaluation conducted by 3ie in the context of the Venezuelan crisis contributes to filling this void. Our study shows that a multipurpose cash transfer program for Venezuelan migrants in Colombia yielded positive effects on migrants' incomes, food security, savings, and labor force participation rates.

Where next in the quest for better evidence — after this year's picks for the Nobel Prize in Economics

The buzz around this year’s Nobel Prize picks in economics continues to stimulate discussion, not least on “where next in the quest for better evidence?” The groundbreaking research by Laureates David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens has substantially improved our ability to answer key causal questions with great benefits to society. But much more needs to be done to get from conceptual advances to improved practice in evidence-informed decision-making by policymakers and program designers around the globe.