
Our workshops and conferences bring together a diverse set of stakeholders: researchers, evaluators, implementing agencies and donors. They include capacity development workshops, policy dialogues, learning events and international conferences.

Upcoming events

Global Evidence Summit 2024

Conference 10 September 2024 Prague, Czech Republic
Cochrane, JBI, GIN and the Campbell Collaboration are jointly hosting the second Global Evidence Summit in Prague, Czech Republic. The summit’s objective is to provide a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural platform.

15th European Evaluation Biennial Conference

Conference 23 September 2024 Online
The European Evaluation Society’s Better Together Conference will be held in Rimini, Italy. The conference will explore how collaboration can be more effective, transformative evaluation, and social change.

Previous events

What Works Climate Solutions Summit 2024

Conferences 12 June 2024 Berlin, Germany

The What Works Climate Solutions Summit is a high-level conference for evidence-based climate policy that will take place from 9-12 June 2024, in Berlin. It will promote and catalyze synthetic evidence on climate solutions for upcoming climate change assessments- particularly the IPCC’s 7th Assessment Report- and other forms of scientific policy advice.

gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2024

Conference 03 - 07 June 2024 Online

The 2024 gLocal Evaluation Week, convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), is a unique knowledge-sharing event, connecting a global community of people across sectors and regions. This year, gLOCAL's theme focused on how evaluation can contribute to transformational change in two key ways: enhancing (policy) stakeholders’ understanding of this process and providing a platform to advocate for policy solutions that are more likely to contribute to it. 3ie will be participating in many sessions.

May 2024

3ie at USAID's Learning and Evidence Month 2024

Conference 02 May 2024 Online
Join 3ie and other Global Evidence Commitment (GEC) partners as we welcome USAID as a signatory at the opening session of the Agency Learning and Evidence Month in May. The GEC is a pledge to improve the evidence culture and use in development organizations.

Teaching critical thinking about health: impacts and implications

Conference 25 April 2024 Online
In this 3ie Evidence Dialogues webinar, we discussed the results of impact evaluations of an educational intervention to improve secondary students’ ability to think critically about health in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.

08 - 10
April 2024

Future of evaluation: Charting a path in a changing development landscape

3ie@external 08 - 10 April 2024 Online
Hosted by the Independent Evaluation Group and the Global Evaluation Initiative as part of the IEG@50 anniversary celebrations, this series of virtual conversations from 8 April to 10 April, 2024 will focus on the future direction of the evaluation practice, the questions it will have to answer, and the impact of new technologies for ever greater data gathering and analysis.

11th AfrEA International Conference

Conference 18 - 22 March 2024 Kigali, Rwanda
The 11th AfrEA International Conference will be held in Kigali, Rwanda from 18-22 March 2024. The theme for the conference is “Technology and Innovation in Evaluation Practice in Africa: The Last Nail on the Coffin of Participatory Approaches?”. The conference provides an opportunity for participants from Africa and around the world to submit and present papers and posters, chair panels, and facilitate professional development workshops.

March 2024

Call for papers: Economics Writing Workshop on Micro-development in Africa

Workshop 15 March 2024 Africa

Nobel in Africa invites emerging scholars to participate in their symposium, “Micro-development research in the last 20 years: what have we learned?” and a writing workshop on 15 March 2024. Twelve scholars will be selected to attend the symposium and workshop, where they will have the chance to present their papers, receive feedback from their peers and select participants from the event. Travel and accommodation will be provided for the duration of the workshop. Applications are open to all scholars (including PhD students and postdocs) working in the field of micro-development.

EvalFest 2024

Conference 21 - 23 February 2024
EvalFest 2024 is a biennial conference organized by the Evaluation Community of India (ECOI) and EvalYouth India (EYI). The event held in February 2024 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The theme this year was ‘The Shifting Sands in Evaluation: Need for Responsive, Adaptive and Future-Proof Approaches’.

Mapping the evidence on what works for addressing root causes of irregular migration: new insights

Seminar 13 February 2024 Online
Unsafe and irregular migration is a pressing global issue, creating major challenges for all countries along migratory routes and corridors – at origin, transit and destination. While the total number of migrants in irregular situation worldwide is hard to estimate, we do know that at least 60 thousand lost their lives while taking dangerous and irregular routes since IOM started the count in 2014.

WFP Impact Evaluation Forum

Conferences 04 - 07 December 2023 Rome, Italy

Funders and partners are increasingly calling for greater proof that programs based on their investments are effective and value for money. WFP will bring together governments, donors, UN agencies, NGOs, academia at the WFP Impact Evaluation Forum to share new evidence, facilitate collaboration, and exchange experiences on WFP’s innovative work in impact evaluation. Organized within three streams, the event has three overarching objectives: Evidence, Partnerships and Learning.