Cash-based approaches in humanitarian emergencies

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This review by Doocy and Tappis assessed and synthesised existing evidence on the effects of cash-based approaches on individual and household outcomes in humanitarian emergencies.

3ie London Evidence Week 2016

Evidence Week 11 - 14 April 2016 London
The second 3ie London Evidence Week that was organised on 11-15 April, featured a variety of events focusing on the value and challenges in producing high-quality evidence for decision-making in international development.

What happens once the intervention ends? The medium-term impacts of a cash transfer programme in Malawi

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2015  

This study by Sarah Baird, Ephraim Chirwa, Craig McIntosh and Berk Özler evaluated the impacts of the Zomba cash transfer programme (ZCTP) in Malawi two years after the programme ended.

Factors affecting uptake of voluntary and community-based health insurance schemes in low-and middle-income countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This systematic review by Panda and colleagues examines the demand and supply factors that affect uptake and renewal of community-based voluntary health insurance schemes in low- and middle-income

Can mobile message reminders help in treating TB in Pakistan?

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This brief is based on an impact evaluation that examines the impact of a mobile-based health intervention on the treatment outcomes of people with treatable TB in Karachi, Pakistan. Wh​ile 85 per cent of the TB patients who were enrolled to receive SMS reminders responded to the reminder system at least once, the response rate of all participants during their six-month treatment course was low.

Examining the evidence on the effectiveness of India’s rural employment guarantee act.

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This working paper offers an overview of the existing evidence on India's Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), which aims to provide 100 days of guaranteed paid employm

April 2016

Third 3ie Howard White Lecture

Howard white lecture 11 April 2016 London
In the 2016 Howard White Lecture, Leonard Wantchekon called for more rigorous evaluations of political institutions and policymaking and how they would work, referencing research he and colleagues did in Benin and the Philippines.

Power calculation for causal inference in social science: sample size and minimum detectable effect determination

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This manual, developed in-house by 3ie's Eric Djimeu and Deo-Gracias Houndolo, presents the basic statistical concepts used in power calculations for experimental design.

Validation of hearing screening procedures in Ecuadorian schools

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2015  

Approximately 90 per cent of children with hearing loss are found in developing countries.

Does skilling Moroccan youth help them become employed?

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This brief examines the impact of 100 Hours to Success. This intervention aimed at helping adolescent men and women living in Morocco’s Oriental region to find employment and improve their financial habits.

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