Parental, community and familial support for children’s literacy in developing countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This systematic review by Spier and colleagues examines evidence on the effect of parental, familial and community support interventions to improve children’s literacy development.

January 2016

Can self-help group programmes improve women’s empowerment?

Seminar 14 January 2016
The study shows that women’s economic SHGs have positive effects on various dimensions of empowerment, including economic, social and political. Women showed familiarity with handling money and independence in financial decision making, improved social networks and received respect from the household and other community members.

Assessing the impact of farmer field schools on fertiliser use in China

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2015  

In China, a major agricultural challenge is the inefficient use of fertilizer and the environmental effects associated with overuse.

Do incentives improve tax collectors’ performance and increase tax collection in Pakistan?

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
Researchers worked with the provincial government in Punjab to evaluate the impact of a pay-for-performances scheme for tax collectors. The scheme aimed to incentivise tax collection while maintaining or improving assessment accuracy.

Business support for small and medium enterprises in low- and middle-income countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This systematic review by Piza and colleagues synthesises the existing evidence on the impact of business support services for small and medium enterprises.

Evaluations with impact: decision-focused impact evaluation as a practical policymaking tool

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2015  

In this paper, impact evaluation firm IDinsight argues that, in order to more effectively inform development action, impact evaluations must be adapted to serve as context-specific tools for decisi

Leveraging sanitation for livelihood


3ie, in partnership with the ministry of housing and urban development department, Odisha, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted a year-long study to understand the barriers and facilitators of urban collectives engaged in the sanitation work . This op-ed recounts how the state government of Odisha has been able to provide employment opportunities to more than 6,500 women- and transgender-collective members through the various sanitation models, and how scale-up of this project combined with evaluation evidence can prove beneficial across the country

09 - 12
November 2015

LIDC Short Course on Evaluation for Development Programmes

Training 09 - 12 November 2015
The London International Development Centre (LIDC) held a short course on evaluation for development programmes will be taught by impact evaluation experts from 3ie, the Institute of Education, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and the School of Oriental and African Studies.

Evaluating the impact of computer-assisted instruction and learning in China

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
The research team examined some of the key factors that influence the effectiveness of computer-assisted learning programmes for improving children's English language test scores. The findings suggest that the impact of these programmes depends on the quality of implementation and the level of teacher engagement.

Interventions for improving learning outcomes and access to education in low- and middle- income countries: a systematic review

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2015  

This systematic review by Snilstveit and colleagues examines the evidence on the effects of interventions to improve school participation and learning outcomes.

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