An introduction to the use of randomized control trials to evaluate development interventions

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2013  

Economists and political scientists adopt a range of approaches to evaluate interventions. Prominent among these is the Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) method.

Interventions to Reduce the Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in African Countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2013  
Rigmor C Berg and Eva Denison review studies that use randomized control trials and qualitative designs to analyse the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the prevalence of female genital mutilation.

No margin, no mission? Evaluating the role of incentives in the distribution of public goods in Zambia

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2014  

This study by Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera and Kelsey Jack evaluates the impact of different incentive mechanisms on the performance of community-based agents (i.e.

Effectiveness of agricultural certification schemes for improving socio-economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries

Systematic review summary 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This report summarises a systematic review by Oya and colleagues that assesses the impact of agriculture certification schemes on improving socio-economic conditions for workers and farmers in low- and middle-income countries.

The effects of land titling on the urban poor: a replication of property rights for the poor

Replication paper 3ie 2015  
Drew B Cameron, Edward M Whitney, and Paul C Winters replicated the results of an influential 2010 study, Property rights for the poor: Effects of land titling by Sebastian Galiani and Ernesto Schargrodsky.

Mapping the evidence on agricultural innovation programmes

Evidence gap map Brief 3ie PDF icon 2018  
This brief outlines the main findings of an evidence gap map on impact evaluations and systematic reviews referring to agricultural inputs, practices and programmes aimed at improving farmers’ productivity and well-being.

Science, technology, innovation and partnerships evidence gap map

Evidence gap map

This map, funded by the US Global Development Lab at USAID, presents the impact evaluation and systematic review evidence base for how science, technology, innovation and partnerships accelerate development outcomes in L&MICs.

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Do self-help groups empower women? Evidence from a systematic review

Systematic review Brief 3ie PDF icon 2016  
Poverty combined with structural factors that perpetuate social marginalisation cause women to be doubly disadvantaged. Promoting self-help groups (SHGs) has been the institutional response of development practitioners, governments, civil society and donors, especially in South Asia.

Promoting latrine use in India

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2017  

To inform 3ie’s Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India Thematic Window, we undertook a scoping study to identify the state of rigorous evidence in this area and to find out what decision makers,

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