Impact evaluation and interventions to address climate change: a scoping study

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2010  

Martin Prowse and Birte Snilstveit argues that to support the effective allocation of substantial climate funds, the selection and design of climate change interventions should be based on evidence

Social and economic impacts of Tuungane: final report on the effects of a community-driven reconstruction programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2014  

In recent years, community-driven reconstruction (CDR) programmes have aimed to promote local development in post-conflict settings.

The impact of daycare programs on child health, nutrition and development in developing countries: a systematic review

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2011  

As more mothers join the workforce in developing countries, the demand for daycare services is on the rise. Jef L Leroy et al. assess the evidence on the impact of daycare interventions o

Integrating HIV services with other health services to improve care, retention and adherence

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2017  

This scoping paper by Heard and colleagues summaries a range of activities 3ie undertook to assess stakeholder demands and priorities for generating new impact evaluation evidence on the effectiven

Walking on solid ground: a replication study on Piso Firme’s impact

Replication paper 3ie 2015  
This replication study re-examines some of the limited existing research on how quality of housing affects health and socioeconomic outcomes, including household measures of health for children and mothers.

State-society relations in low- and middle-income countries: an evidence gap map

Evidence gap map 3ie PDF icon 2017  

This report presents the findings of an evidence gap map that identifies the evidence on the effects of interventions that seek to improve state-society relations.

Getting girls into school: a development benefit for all

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2009  
A disproportionate number of girls remain out of schools in many developing countries. Evidence shows there is a need for ‘gender-targeted’ programs. Such targeted programs may be financial incentives - which a number have studies have found to be effective - or female-friendly schools, for which the evidence base is weak

Olivier Cossee on why is it difficult to evaluate agricultural programmes


Forest Conservation gap map

Evidence gap map PDF icon

This map presents existing evidence on forest conservation in L&MICs. Our clearest finding is that there a paucity of high-quality evidence in areas significant for policy, such as the effect of forest-related climate change policies, trade laws and management, or education and awareness campaigns on environmental and social outcomes in forests.

View report

What works in addressing the needs of street-connected children and young people

Systematic review Brief 3ie PDF icon 2016  
Street-connected children and young people (SCCYP) are vulnerable to a range of risks. Their exclusion from mainstream opportunities, such as education and employment, as well as settled relationships may impede their long-term life chances.

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