Institutionalisation of government evaluation: balancing trade-offs

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2010  

Marie Gaarder and Bertha Briceño underline the importance of carefully designed impact evaluation to enhance welfare and developmental effectiveness. 

Paying for performance in China's battle against anaemia

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2014  

This study by Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle and Yaojing Shi uses a cluster randomised control trial to examine how misaligned supply-side incentives impede health programmes in developing countries.

Behaviour change intervention to prevent HIV among women living in low- and middle-income countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2009  

This review by Sandra McCoy et al. suggests that behavioural change interventions alone have been limited in their ability to control HIV transmission among women in low- and middle-income

Short-term WASH interventions in emergency responses in low- and middle-income countries

Systematic review summary 3ie PDF icon 2017  

This is a summary report of a full systematic review that synthesised evidence on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions implemented in the first 12 months of an emergency response.

Male circumcision and HIV acquisition: reinvestigating the evidence from young men in Kisumu, Kenya

Replication paper 3ie 2015  
In this replication study, Eric W. Djimeu, Jeffrey E. Korte, and Flor A. Calvo reevaluate some of the strongest evidence supporting HIV-related male circumcision interventions in the developing world.

Running water, working toilets and safe hygiene practices

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2009  
The world is falling behind its targets to improve people’s access to sanitation, with major health costs. There is strong evidence that both sanitation and hygiene interventions are highly effective in reducing risks of diarrhoea, however public health promotion appears more cost-effective.

A cheap fix for climate change? Pay people not to chop down trees


The main findings from the 3ie-funded study mentioned just above were also published in The New York Times. The article quotes Seema Jayachandran, one of our grantees: ‘Unless you set up a randomised trial, where you’re carefully comparing people who take part in the programme with people who aren’t, it’s hard to know if you’re having any effect’.

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health evidence gap map

Evidence gap map

This map, funded by the Hewlett Foundation, presents existing evidence on the effects of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming in L&MICs.

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Do programmes outside the formal education system improve children’s literacy in developing countries?

Systematic review Brief 3ie PDF icon 2016  
For a majority of children globally, the substantial increase in access to primary schooling has not led to a significant improvement in learning. To address this learning gap, numerous programmes are being implemented outside the formal education system to improve children’s literacy.

Mapping the evidence on social, behavioural and community engagement for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health

Evidence gap map Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This brief combines the findings from the evidence gap map on adolescent, sexual and reproductive health and the social behavioral and community engagement interventions map for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health.

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