Displaying 451 - 460 of 1967

Putting government in the driver’s seat to generate and use impact evaluations in the Philippines

Impact evaluations are sometimes criticised for being supply-driven. It is hard to know for sure. There is no counterfactual to what would have happened without the impact evaluation. Regardless of whether this is true or not, one of the ways to ensure that an impact evaluation is more demand-driven is to put the government in the driver’s seat for increasing the demand for evaluation.

Harnessing transparency initiatives to improve India’s environmental clearance process for the mineral mining sector

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2019  
This study evaluated the impact of a set of reforms to the environmental clearance process in India, which included subjecting larger projects to scrutiny from regulators, independent experts and the public.

April 2019
London, UK

Impact of financial inclusion in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of reviews

Seminar 02 April 2019 London, UK
Financial inclusion is a dynamic space with a growing range of intervention types and players. A recent 3ie-funded systematic review of reviews focuses on the impact of financial inclusion interventions.

Sounds good... but what will it cost? Making the case for rigorous costing in impact evaluation research

Imagine two government programs—a job training program and a job matching program—that perform equally well in terms of boosting employment outcomes. Now think about which is more cost-effective. If your answer is ‘no idea’ you’re not alone! Most of the time, we don’t have the cost evidence available to discern this important difference.

Estimating the effects of a low-cost early stimulation and parenting education programme in Mexico

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2017  

In Mexico, a range of programmes focus on early childhood development. This impact evaluation examined the Programa Educación Inicial (Early Education Programme) in Mexico.

How evidence is informing solutions to South Africa’s early grade reading crisis

Evidence use Brief 3ie PDF icon 2019  
In South Africa, 78 per cent of the children in fourth grade struggle to understand the meaning of what they read. An evaluation of the Early Grade Reading Study provides evidence that can help decision makers respond to this reading crisis.

Measurement of latrine use in rural India

Other evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2019  
To understand the effectiveness of efforts to support latrine us, the behaviour must be accurately measured. This study compares reported rates of latrine use between an individual-level, balanced question and a household-level imbalanced question.

January 2020
London, UK

Public good provision and deliberative democracy: evidence from Malawi

Seminar 29 January 2020 London, UK
Annemie Maertens presented the results of a public goods game with farmer clubs in Malawi to determine the socio-political conditions that increase cooperation. This paper explores the conditions in which community-driven development programmes are most likely to succeed in assisting smallholder farmers.

External validity: policy demand is there but research needs to boost supply

A randomised controlled trial (RCT) in a Northern district of Uganda finds that the young adults who receive cash transfers use it to buy more food for their families, football shirts, and airtime for their mobile phones, compared to those in control areas. Would the pattern be the same if young adults in central Uganda are given cash transfers? Would the findings replicate if the cash transfers were given to young women in Senegal? This stylised example points to the crucial question of generalisability of program impacts to other contexts – commonly referred to as external validity.

Launching a campaign- 2020 hindsight: what works in development?

Today we are launching, at 3ie, a yearlong social media campaign called ‘2020 Hindsight: What Works in Development.’ For our non-American readership, let me briefly explain where the idiom ‘Hindsight is 20/20’ comes from. 20/20 vision is a term used to express that you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 15691

Strengthening good governance through government effectiveness in low- and middle-income countries: an evidence gap map

Evidence gap map 2021 Publication type :
Author : Constanza Gonzalez Parrao, Etienne Lwamba, Lina Khan, Malte Lierl, Miriam Berretta, Jane Hammaker, Charlotte Lane, Katherine Quant, John Eyers, Douglas Glandon
Sector : Public administration

Building Resilient Societies in Low- and Middle-income Countries: An Evidence Gap Map

Evidence gap map 2023 Publication type :
Author : Miriam Beretta, Sanghwa Lee, Meital Kupfer, Carolyn Huang, Will Ridlehoover, Daniel Frey, Faez Ahmed, Binyang Song, Kristen Marie Edwards, Jaron Porciello, John Eyers, Birte Snilstveit
Sector : Social protection

Improving Food Security in Humanitarian Settings: An Evidence Gap Map

Evidence gap map 2022 Publication type :
Author : Cem Yavuz, Paul Fenton Villar, Miriam Berretta, Ashiqun Nabi, Chris Cooper, Shanon Shisler
Sector : Social protection

The Effect of Transparency and Accountability Interventions in the Extractive Sectors: An Evidence Gap Map

Evidence gap map 2019 Publication type :
Author : Francis Rathinam, Juliette Finetti, Zeba Siddiqui, Birte Snilstveit, Hannah Chirgwin, Richard Appell, Eleanor Dickens, Marie Gaarder
Sector : Energy and extractives

Group-based Livelihood Interventions in L&MICs

Evidence gap map 2019 Publication type :
Author : Bidisha Barooah, Shonar Lala Chinoy, Priyanka Dubey, Ritwik Sarkar, Avantika Bagai
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Evidence Gap Map: 2018 Update

Evidence gap map 2018 Publication type :
Author : Hugh Waddington, Hannah Chirgwin, Duae Zehra, Sandy Cairncross, Raj Popat, Miriam Berretta, Hastings Chipungu, Abubeker Tadesse
Sector : Water, sanitation, and waste management

Agricultural Innovation: An Evidence Gap Map

Evidence gap map 2017 Publication type :
Author : Diana Lopez-Avila, Safiya Husain, Raag Bhatia, Megha Nath, Raghava Murthy Vinaygyam
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Social, Behavioural and Community Engagement Interventions for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child Health

Evidence gap map 2017 Publication type :
Author : Anayda Portela, Jennifer Stevenson, Rachael Hinton, Marianne Emler, Stella Tsoli, Birte Snilstveit
Sector : Health

A Map of Evidence Maps Relating to Sustainable Development in L&MICs

Evidence gap map 2017 Publication type :
Author : Daniel Phillips, Christopher Coffey, Stergiani Tsoli, Jennifer Stevenson, Hugh Waddington, John Eyers, Howard White, Birte Snilstveit
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry

Agricultural Risk and Mitigation Gap Map

Evidence gap map 2017 Publication type :
Author : Bidisha Barooah, Bharat Kaushish, Jyotsna Puri, Beryl Leach
Sector : Agriculture, fishing, and forestry