Subsidising Education: Are school vouchers the solution?

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2010  
Good quality education is out of reach for many poor people, due to its high costs. Governments try to make it more accessible by subsidising it. School vouchers provide one means subsidise education. Vouchers allow students to expand their school choice, including attending private schools, potentially providing “better quality” education.

The impact of land property rights interventions on investment and agricultural productivity in developing countries: a systematic review

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2016  

This systematic review by Lawry and colleagues examines the impacts of interventions to strengthen land property rights on agricultural and livelihood outcomes in rural areas.

Providing collateral and improving product market access for smallholder farmers: a randomised evaluation of inventory credit in Sierra Leone

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2015  

Inventory credit can be an important instrument in helping farmers benefit from large inter-seasonal volatility of agricultural prices.

Does agricultural certification improve well-being?

Systematic review Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This brief is based on a systematic review that assesses the impact of agriculture certification schemes for improving socially sustainable and fairer production for smallholder farmers and workers.

Behind the scenes: managing and conducting large scale impact evaluations in Colombia

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2011  

Bertha Briceno, Laura Cuesta and Orazio Attanasio highlight experiences in the practice of impact evaluation in Colombia.

Intimate partner violence prevention evidence gap map: 2018 update

Evidence gap map 3ie PDF icon 2019  
This report outlines the main findings of the updated intimate partner violence prevention evidence gap map. The update covers evidence published between August 2016 and July 2018.

Collaborative community checklists for immunisation: a feasibility and acceptability study in rural Myanmar

Other evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2019  
This formative evaluation tests a new approach, collaborative checklists, to educate and involve communities in the provision of immunisation services in Myanmar

Stretching HIV treatment: A replication study of task shifting in South Africa

Replication paper 3ie 2017  
Baojiang Chen and Morshed Alam conducted a replication study of Fairall and other’s influential paper, “Task shifting of antiretroviral treatment from doctors to primary-care nurses in South Africa (STRETCH)”.

Evidence gap map on social, behavioural and community engagement interventions

Evidence gap map

This map, produced by the World Health Organization and 3ie, presents the evidence available on social, behavioural and community engagement interventions related to reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health programmes in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs). Financial support was provided by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, and USAID.

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